Year 6 pupils planning emotional farewell to Newington Primary School

Goodbye to Newington Primary

Children are planning to bid farewell in song to Newington Community Primary School in Ramsgate.

Year 6 boys and girls are learning A Million Dreams, an emotional number celebrating their journey through the school.

Adapted by teacher Matt Rigden who is Year 6 Lead, the song framework is available for girls and boys to learn via online streaming at home as well as in school.

The aim is for the children who are heading for secondary education in September to perform it together.

This will form part of their graduation ceremony which this year will be held in socially distanced groups featuring each class on the main lawn in front of the school on Thursday, July 9. Each pupil will receive a graduation box of gifts including a special Leavers 2020 hoodie.

The song lyrics will no doubt be accompanied by more than a few tears shed by children, families and staff too.

The words include these lines: “’Cause all the memories that I’ve made will stay with me and never fade, Newington forever in my heart. I think of moving on today to take life’s steps along the way, a million thoughts will help me to succeed – a million thoughts of the school we’re gonna leave.”

Mr Rigden said: “I wanted our children to perform one last song that they will remember when they think of their time at the school with their friends and teachers.

“This year group has been absolutely brilliant and has risen to every challenge it has faced. It has been a privilege to watch them grow over the past few years into the true Newington citizens we see today and we will certainly miss each and every one of them.

“As we set them off on their way, we know that they are entering secondary school as well equipped as they can be.”

Newington head teacher Cliff Stokes

Head Teacher Cliff Stokes agreed. He said: “It is a poignant song that really highlights the strength of friendship within this year group and within our whole school community.

“Although the last few months have been challenging for us all, our Year 6 boys and girls will remember their Newington journey with fondness and I am sure will look back on it as a time when they grew as young people while expanding their learning skills to prepare for the next part of their educational adventure.

“Usually we would have a special end of year musical show during which Year 6 can enjoy their last big moment with us and the whole school – this year it is not to be, but I know they have taken this special song to their hearts and I cannot wait to hear it being sung by everyone. They have been a terrific year group and we wish them every success.”