Ramsgate Arts Primary pupils hone creative skills

Pupils have been getting creative

Creative children at Ramsgate Arts Primary have been honing their skills during lockdown.

Boys and girls of all different abilities have been encouraged to go on an ‘adventure into art’ and contribute to an online blog as they experience a range of different creative styles.

The results are impressive says art teacher Karen Vost who is collating the work into a virtual gallery on the school’s website.

She said: “We decided to begin an art blog to inspire families to create at home during COVID 19.

“These are participatory projects that focus on creative exploration, fun, and calmness, using everyday resources that families have around their homes.

“The idea is not to put any pressure on children and parents but suggest a few ideas that they enjoy working on together.

“At RAPS we strongly believe the arts can support well-being and mental health and we believe this type of project can really help our families.”

Children can upload their artworks and share with the school community. The challenges have ranged from animation and drawing to making finger puppets and sculptural ideas.

The response has been overwhelming with members of the whole school community including staff uploading artworks and enjoying the resource.”

Head of School Nick Budge said: “Art is a central pillar of our learning and the results we have seen from the art blog are inspiring.

“The level of skills across the board from beginners to those who have a real penchant for art have been impressive – the key factor is that our children and their families can choose what sort of style suits them and have a try. It’s a fun way of trying new ideas and adding to established learning skills at the same time.

“Exploring art is what we are all about at RAPS and this is just another way that we are doing that.

“The online guide has a range of easy to follow hints, tips and suggestions for children and adults.

“The blog is something we aim to develop further as a home learning resource, and it is hoped to exhibit some of the best entries on our arts displays around the school as well.”

In a motivational tip for parents, the RAPS blog guide stresses that the main idea is to create with whatever materials and resources are available and simply to enjoy the process.

It states: ‘Remember creativity is a very fragile process. Who doesn’t remember someone telling them they can’t sing or can’t draw, and then that person never revisiting that activity as an adult.

‘When a child has made something, don’t be too quick to judge or dismiss what they have done. Try asking them to tell you about it (if they are younger), or try the activity yourself to see how the experience was for you, and then have a shared conversation about it. Be positive and open.’