A Thanet food bank service will change to delivery only from Monday (April 6).
The service, which is operated from St Austin & St St Gregory’s RC in Margate, has been adhering to strict cleanliness measures working with gloves and masks and regularly sanitising areas.
But now the decision has been made to shut down any collections and deliver instead as the coronavirus crisis continues.
Co-ordinator John Finnegan, who has been at the helm for three years, said: “During the last week, we have asked the people who have come for a food parcel to fill out a form with all their details so we can do deliveries. They will receive one food parcel per week until further notice.
“If you or someone you know is struggling or is over 70 and can’t get out of the house, ask them if they would like a delivery. This also applies to people who are in self-isolation.
“They will need to send their full details: name, address, how many in the house, contact number, and any allergies. This can be sent by email to [email protected]. Please use the email and do not phone for a delivery.”
Delivery days are Monday, Thursday and Friday between 10am and 1pm.
Donations will be accepted Monday, Thursday and Friday between 9:30 am and 1pm. They can also be picked up.”
Donations can be dropped at 38 Charlotte Place, Margate.
The number of people needing food parcels has seen a sharp increase. Restrictions on bulk buying due to stockpiling has meant items usually ordered by the service have been restricted.