Charity launches fundraiser to support East Kent NHS staff

QEQM Photo Chris Constantine

The East Kent Hospitals Charity is encouraging people to donate to support NHS staff as they continue to prepare for the coronavirus outbreak.

The charity has already bought treats for frontline staff in the intensive care units at the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital in Margate, and the Kent and Canterbury Hospital.

And now the team is hoping to harness people’s goodwill so they can continue to give a boost to staff of all levels who are ready to care for the sickest patients.

Dee Neligan, fundraising and development officer for the charity, said: “We know there will be lots of people across east Kent who want to say thank you to our fantastic NHS staff.

“These are unprecedented times and our nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants, therapists, porters and housekeeping staff are continuing to go above and beyond for our patients.

“While other people are able to follow the Government’s advice and stay at home, our teams come to work every day despite the increased risks they will be facing.

“As the hospital charity, we want to be able to support the staff when they need it most, to help with their emotional well-being and to boost morale.”

The charity could also fund additional extras such as hotel rooms for staff to allow them to continue working if their families are self-isolating as the pandemic continues.

You can donate at