Thanet artists and entertainers are joining together to combat the lack of entertainment due to social isolation.
Looping The Loop CIC, in partnership with What’s Coming Out Of The Box, are planning an online festival of theatre, art, music, dance and more.
The idea, headed up by Thanet mums and artists Katie McGarry and Estelle Rosenfield and Nice Things Gallery owner Suzy Humphries, is in response to period of isolation people across the country are now experiencing.
Katie said: “We, the artistic community are suddenly finding ourselves in very new territory. With an entire industry based on commissions and freelance work based in the public domain, we now face contracts, tours, shows, workshops, festivals and gigs of all kind being cancelled and there are thousands of us now out of work. So we need your help!
“We plan to stream a series of events, filmed and live-streamed throughout the next month, from real artists, local to Thanet and beyond. All you have to do is pay what you decide!
“All proceeds will go back to the artists who created content to help them be able to pay the rent and feed the kids during this difficult time!
“We are welcoming any and all ideas currently, including any online material, whether it already exists and you would like to promote it, or new created content especially for the festival. We will be working on a profit share basis at the end of the project and have more information to follow on this, but do get in touch if you would like to get involved!”
To submit to the Creative Distance festival email: [email protected]
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