Thanet council has approved plans for a Costa drive-thru in Minster.
The application is for a Costa coffee shop with drive-through in Minster – alongside the current McDonald’s site.
It will be a single storey outlet with 31 car-parking spaces, including two disabled spaces and a drive-through lane on current scrub land off Laundry Road.
The site is accessed from the A299 – Hengist Way trunk road via Tothill Street – and Laundry Road.
In its application Costa says investment for such outlets is typically £1 million plus with five figure sums annually paid in business rates.
The completed Costa is expected to employ around 18 full and part-time staff (or 11 full time).
A report to councillors, who approved the application on December 18, says although there is “is no evidential ‘need’ for additional facilities,” there would be economic and social benefits for the village through the provision of a facility that provides jobs, a meeting place for the community, and an additional local service that helps to support the sustainability of the village.
The report adds: “The impact upon neighbouring living conditions has been assessed, and mitigation put in place to limit any impact to an acceptable level. Subject to off-site improvements to improve the junction on Tothill Street and Laundry Road, along with the necessary parking provision and visibility splays, the impact upon highway safety is considered to be acceptable.
“On balance, whilst there is not a retail need for the development in this location there will be very limited impact upon the countryside.”
Concerns were raised about residents suffering extra noise and disturbance. The report says a noise assessment was submitted with the application, which considers the impact from fixed mechanical plant, car-parking, and noise from the use of the drive-thru facility.
The report concluded the noise levels identified are likely to be predominantly less than the pre-existing background noise levels, and therefore the proposed development would not cause significant adverse noise impact on neighbouring occupiers.
However, additional soundproofing measures have been added to the plan and approval contains 26 planning conditions. Plans for an additional farm shop at the site were dropped following consultation.
Opening hours will be 5am to 11pm.