Fantastic festive ‘knit-bombings’ have been appearing across the isle this month.
Beautifully created postbox toppers with an array of Santas, angels, snowmen and more have cropped up in Minster, Birchington, Westgate and Cliffsend.
The Minster creations are the work of resident Barbara Quittenden, who was also the instigator and organiser of the knitted poppies that have previously been displayed in the village.
Barbara said: “Its fun to do and I love seeing people stopping with children and taking photos of them. It makes it worthwhile.”
In Westgate resident Anne Lander has led the knitting frenzy and in Birchington local Karen Everest put out the call in the Summer and was joined by a group of residents all eager to knit the postbox ‘hats.’
Thank you they look great and cheer us all up!
Such a wonderful thing to do. Unfortunately if they did this in margate Ramsgate or broadstairs they would be set on fire or kicked down the street.
Ramsgate was “knit bombed” several years ago: bollards had little tea cozy hats, the statues on top of the Spoons were adorned with scarves and a bikini. They were there years later.
For the past couple of years, Ramsgate’s War Memorial has had swathes of knitted poppies added to the more traditional mementos with no particular problem.
So, I don’t know which bit of Ramsgate you live in, but mine’s ok.
I can’t say, though, that I’m an enthusiast for this knit bombing. How is it any better than graffiti?