St. Peter’s Dance and Drama Academy has been named Thanet PasSport competition winner for an impressive routine based on Shakespeare tale Romeo and Juliet.
The youngsters from the school’s Elite Commercial dancers, along with dance school founder and teacher Charlotte Seeney and specialist drama teacher Jayne Websper, took part in the dance run by Thanet PasSport, and hosted by St Lawrence College.
The dancers had worked on a modern retelling of Romeo and Juliet through street dance, choreographed by Mrs Seeney and ex student Ashton Sharpe.
The dancers expressed the story using a combination of lifts, fast footwork, intricate moves and clever choreography. The energetic routine, combined with their excellent story telling skills, helped make them fierce competition for the other six schools.
All schools had very strong entries, with a range of dance styles and story lines showcased. The three judges marked the pieces independently with a criteria that included fluidity, style and content.
Once the marks were tallied, St Peter’s had won with 266 points closely followed by Holy Trinity, whose entry was a solo piece by Year 6 pupil Tilda, who danced with both skill and emotion in a lyrical style.
Mrs Seeney said: “We are so proud of the hard work our children put into their commitment to dance. How wonderful for them to see it through success in competitions.”