Residents vow to take fight to court over two-home development in Margate garden

The plan has angered Grotto Gardens residents

Residents in Grotto Gardens, Margate, say they will take their fight to the courts if needed to stop a two home development taking place.

An application has been submitted to Thanet council to build the two, three-bed homes on land at the rear of Dane Road, extending into Grotto Gardens.

In a design statement Ramsgate architects del Renzio & del Renzio say: “The development will be of a high quality design and materials whilst utilising redundant and derelict garden space.”

The document adds that no impact on residents has been raised.

But objection have been lodged by some of those living in Grotto Gardens, highlighting concerns over a lack of parking provision, overlooking, loss of light and disruption.


One resident states: “Parking is extremely congested in Grotto Gardens as it is, with many cars having to double park, or make do by borrowing neighbours’ drives on a regular basis. The proposed development has no parking provision for what are two 3-bedroom family homes (this seems unrealistic) and will severely impact traffic in our street. Vans and bin lorries already struggle to get up and turn around at the end of the road where the proposed build is.”

She adds that plans appear to show three – not two- storey buildings and questions the description of the properties as in Dane Road rather that Grotto Gardens.

She adds: “Local residents are prepared to fight this in court if necessary.”


A further objector adds: “Building on gardens will negatively impact the ecology of our environment. The established green spaces these gardens provide represents considerable biodiversity value in the urban environment which houses cannot replace.”

Another adds: “There is no access for emergency services. There is no access for ambulances or fire brigade, any more properties would put us at risk of fire.

“Access to the proposed houses would be on a public highway with no pavement, the minimal frontage would be a danger to the families living there.”

A potential Grotto Gardens property buyer said she wants to see an “upholding of community living, values, right to peace and quiet, privacy, local ecology (i.e. the plan to build in existing gardens), and generally not selling out a community to make more money and place more concrete around people.

“This is psychologically an issue in terms of the added stress of traffic/parking/access/people in an already extremely confined cul-de-sac where there is no turning point. One has to drive along Grotto Gardens at the minimal speed to avoid scratching and scraping the cars parked either side on a narrow road where the houses directly front onto it.”

Site plans

The proposed site lies within the Clifton Place and Grotto Gardens Conservation Area. The design statement says: “The site is adjacent to a large derelict and overgrown former grounds and out buildings of the former Princess Mary Hospital.

“The design of the two dwellings responds to the site and context by utilising the slope of the site. It was noted at the pre-application stage that the officer wished that street line of the south side of Grotto gardens should not exceed the height of a small converted workshop. This is approx. 5.5-6m above ground level.

“The proposed massing of the two building adheres to this with the front facade approx. this height, the rear portion of the property is lowered allowing an additional storey set back from the roadside, thus giving the impression of smaller dwelling. The proposal seeks high quality materials and design.”

The application, which closes for comments tomorrow, can be found here

A decision is yet to be made by Thanet council.


  1. David Cameron’s back garden decimation laws showing just how absurd his legacy is. This must be refused.

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