Newly trained Peer Mediators are now in action at Clfitonville Primary and Pre-School. The 13-strong group of year 6 children have undertaken a rigorous and thorough training programme under the guidance of mediator leader Christine Harper,
The youngsters have now started to give out advice and guidance to help iron out disputes between children in the Key Stage 1 and 2 playgrounds.
They work on a rota basis and can be easily found in the mediator room every lunchtime. The group were selected after they made an application for the important role and the training they received from Mrs Harper has set them in good stead for supporting their peers to sort out problems by reaching a reasonable and friendly solution.
One peer mediator explained: “I have always wanted to be a peer mediator. I really enjoy helping other children to sort out their problems and find a solution before they become upset. I have used the peer mediators before and now I am helping others.’
Cliftonville first launched the mediator programme a number of years ago and it has grown in importance and status ever since with the role being highly valued amongst children and staff.
Deputy head teacher Louise Wilson said: ‘We are hugely proud of the very valuable work our Peer Mediators undertake within our school community. They work with maturity and kindness – always upholding our very important Cliftonville values.’