Residents Association’s dismay at plans to fell 77 trees at Tivoli Road woods site

Previous trees felled at the Tivoli site

Salmestone Ward Residents Association is raising cash to carry out a bat survey at the woods off Tivoli Road.

The group has almost raised its £400 target although they have now discovered finding will only be legally valid if the survey is delayed until May.

The survey is being undertaken following news that an application has been made to fell 77 trees at the site.

The association says it will lodge an objection to the application.

The association will submit the videos and photos to Thanet District Council and ask for an Ecological survey to be done before any trees are felled.

Tivoli site co-owner Ernest Biela has made the application citing disease and dead trees as the reason for the felling. He says he has also made an application to the Forestry Commission. The trees are plum, pear, Ash, Elm and Sycamores. A survey submitted with the application cites ‘extensive decay and disease’ among the findings.

Mr Biela previously told The Isle of Thanet news that there was a plan “replant on site to yield produce for eateries to complement locally sourced seafood and enhance the local food scene with entirely Margate derived menus.”

This was after a tree clearance at the site back in March. The work prompted objections from the Salmestone association and Thanet Trees group.

The trees group has also helped to fund the bat survey and has been leading objections over felling at the Tivoli site since the first tranche of works in March.

The group said the work meant a loss of yet more communal green space and isle tree cover, which according to a 2014 survey stood at only 4.4% for Thanet – putting it on a par with the City of London, the 7th lowest in the country.

John Finnegan, of the Salmestone association, called the latest application “dismaying.” The application was lodged with Thanet council last month. A decision is yet to be made.

The SWRA is holding its next general meeting at  Salmestone Primary School, 7pm, on Wednesday September 11.

Find the fundraising link here


  1. TDC should never had gone through with the sale of that communal land at a knockdown price in the first place. It is obvious what the owner wants to do with it as development is rife around Thanet on previously wooded areas. There should be no more tree felling for development allowed and TDC should employ a tree officer to take back some control over this sorry state of affairs. Objections to this application should be sent to TDC Planning dept.

    • We are at this present time £65.00 short of the Target of £400.00 pounds. I would like to thank everyone for their support.
      A statement was made last night in the council chamber which is not true there is a Covenant on the Tivoli site it’s in black and white.

  2. Dead and diseased trees need to dealt with in a controlled manner by trained professionals. Much of the surrounding area has been left to decay over many years, and is a potential threat to local residents property and passers by. Can we see some common sense applied to the discussion please?

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