Get ready for the Addington Street Revival Fair

Addington Street Fair

The fourth Addington Street Revival Fair in Ramsgate takes place on September 1.

The theme this year is All You Need Is Love.

Activities will take place across three sites; Addington Street, which will be closed to all traffic, Spencer Square and Nelson Crescent. There will be the usual vintage, bric-à-brac and handmade stalls as well as food and drink. 

The Queen Charlotte, Falstaff Hotel and Eats n Beats will be open throughout the day. Busker-type music will be spread along Addington Street as usual with some new cultural surprises. 

Vintage cars, tea-cups and a Ferris wheel will be on Nelson Crescent with street performers Looping the Loop joining the fun again after their fabulous impact last year. 

Photo Brian Whitehead

The Addington Street  newly up-cycled caravan Cozi Van Tutti will also be at this location and organisers say you will have to come and see her to find out what’s inside!

Art, craft and entertainment activities for children and a treasure hunt will be on offer. 

Spencer Square will be the  ‘seat, eat an enjoy’, site with deck chairs provided by Friends of Ellington Park and entertainment from Sabina Desir, Screaming Ally and vintage music. There may even be a famous guest appearance! 

In Vale Square enjoy a calm and restful escape from the excitements of Addington Street. There will be tea and soft drinks, home-made cakes, scones and sandwiches, and a lovely garden to enjoy them in.

The attractions include Yoga classes, music, Whole Food Earth stall, Bric-à-brac, tombola and more between 11am and 4pm.

Angels 4 Dogs will also run the annual dog show and Marcello will again be giving hair cuts for donations and is raising money for Pilgrims Hospice.


Stall bookings are coming in fast with more than 60 already booked. New regulations for the street will mean some changes so this year there be be an increased number of volunteer stewards. 

For stall booking e-mail the team at [email protected] 

All stall holders require Public Liability insurance and if selling or handling food appropriate Health & Hygiene certification. 

An event spokesperson said: “The cost of running the day is just over £5,000 so funding is always a real issue. Ramsgate Town Council approved an event grant of £2,000 which is greatly appreciated and gets us off to a good start. The day is organised by a dedicated team of volunteers who work hard for 8 months to make it happen.”

The Addington Street Revival Fair takes place on Sunday, September 1 from 10am to 5pm.


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