Increased police presence and PCSO patrols at trouble hotspots will take place in Broadstairs in a bid to tackle recent anti-social behaviour.
The extra policing follows an outbreak of fighting at the first firework event of the season on July 17. The brawls caused the cancellation of the firework event on July 24 although it is back tonight, with increased security.
An email from Kent Police says: “Community Safety Unit Sergeant Steve Moat has informed the local PCSO for Broadstairs, Jack Williams, and asked that he increases his patrolling regime around identified hot spots for crime and antisocial behaviour within the town.
“I have also requested that the Thanet Community Policing Team under the supervision of Sergeant Neil Fuller attend the area as much as possible in order to increase the police presence within the area.”
Margate Task Force is also expected to hold a Neighbourhood Engagement Day in the town where a one day of partnership action will focus on collectively tackling the issues.
District councillor Ruth Bailey said the news is ‘encouraging’ but she would also like to see some action from British Transport Police.
She said: “I t is reassuring that police will be focusing their efforts on patrolling popular events in Broadstairs which draw in large crowds, such as the firework events.
“Keeping these events trouble-free should, however, be a joint effort between the police and the community. Many of the disruptive element come in from outside of Broadstairs so British Rail Transport Police have their part to play in challenging those intent on anti-social behaviour when entering the town through the station.
“Parents should also be aware of where their children are and bear some responsibility. Members of the general public should report any ASB to the police or a steward straight away. It is important not to let a minority disrupt these popular, family events.
“Following a meeting with police and the Thanet council safety team regarding the trouble at the last Broadstairs Firework event, the Water Gala and fireworks event team have very worked hard to put an action plan in place so that families can enjoy a happy and memorable day out.
“As these increased security measures have a cost attached please may I take this opportunity to ask everyone attending the events to put a pound or two into the collection buckets. I very much hope that these joint security measures will prove effective and result in a very enjoyable day for everyone.”
The Water Gala is on all day today (July 31). Find more details here
More in favour of actual police rather than PSPO officers who have far less training and may inflame situations rather than diffusing them.
PCSO – police community support officer
Generally the modern day equivalent of a warden with no powers whatsoever, frustrating for them, the police and the community.
I believe the youth off today seems to be starting as young as 10, in little gangs, most of the children do come from brocken families, which does not help, as young mothers struggle to discipline, The youth have nowhere to go, but the local parks, carparks, and enjoy shouting abouces to innocent by standers, and even other piers same age, injoying day out with family, I think that Broadstairs is becoming a very horrible and unsafe place fall of troubled youths.. That need a lot of help..
nice, I can see the police bill for us next year going sky rocketing up as it is us taxpayers who pay for the police
Rav Wilding on the bbc last night said that the new police officers have no clue about anything they are faced with which to me is scary stuff. Lack of training was also reported. All on the bbc.
young people are not always guilty
broadstairs should realise that a massive event might have trouble with adults children or young people and got to admit it
there is no respect round here for any police officer
before I left West Wickham in Kent we already had disperal zones and that was in 2005 so come on TDC stop being in the dark ages!
If there is not respect for young people you are also in trouble
TDC do not show exemplory behaviour at a professional level as there was a report a couple of years ago and all the standard committee resigned!
Excuse me, Ms Hooper – why are you saying that it is not respecting young people that is causing the trouble ? ? ?
Are you saying that the young people instigating the problems in Broadstairs a couple of weeks ago did so because nobody was respecting them ? ? ?
Had they have been cuffed round the ear and sent to bed with no tea at an earlier age then they will have both learned and earned respect. Unfortunately they have not been taught discipline and respect and therefore they now have neither.
It is lack of training for children that is the greater problem rather than lack of training for police officers.
Well said John, years of parents accepting underage drinking, normalising kids smoking weed and treating their kids as mates is now backfiring on them and the rest of us.
These out of control feral kids are now starting to have an influence on the next generation and they are going to be even worse. Kids are smoking weed younger, they are hospitalised for alcohol poisoning at an earlier age and turning their mates into thugs all because no one took it seriously and when it is too late the parents blame someone else rather than themselves.
Accepting the appalling and criminal behaviour of these young thugs and failure to punish them suitably is like adding petrol to a fire. Years of softly softly parenting and policing has made these young thugs feel untouchable.
Only 8/10, I’m afraid.
You didn’t manage to include the word “scumbags”
Nice try, but could do worse
How exactly does hitting a child teach respect? I can’t imagine respecting anyone who hit me.
Marva Rees, how would you discipline a drunken, pot smoking, foul mouthed, violent young teenager who throws glass bottles at police and has zero respect for anyone other than themselves?
These feral kids have no morals, they have zero empathy towards their victims and view themselves as untouchable.
How would you discipline these violent wannabe gangsters ?
It is all quite simple.
When I was a child and I stepped out of line, I was sternly warned by my mum of the consequences twice. If I did it for the third occasion I got the consequential slap on the back of the leg. That is how I was taught respect.
Nowadays, when darling little Tarquin or darling little Crystal is playing up, screaming and running round the supermarket – mummy just says, ‘Please don’t do that darling” at least 27 times and the “little darling” just carries on regardless. There are no consequences.
This is precisely the reason why the “little shits” have now grown into “bigger shits” and throw bottles at police officers . . .
It is lack of training for children that is the greater problem rather than lack of training for police officers.
I make you right John
I don’t know how I would discipline people, but fortunately I don’t need to. I just think violence breeds violence, fear and hatred.
So, in conclusion, you have no suggestions or solutions whatsoever.
The violence from the the feral youths at Broadstairs breeds fear and hatred in everybody else who attended the fireworks for an enjoyable evening out.
. . . and you don’t know how to discipline those responsible.
That’s right, I don’t. And I don’t suppose I’m the only one who doesn’t.
Let me break it down for you John. Discipline comes in many forms. Sanctions can include removal of privileges – like, say, modern technologies or favoured pursuits -, curfew, reduction in financial freedom. In more serious cases they may include removal of absolute liberty, beginning with restrictions on movement and at the extreme ending in incarceration. There is not data whatsoever to suggest that corporal punishment is effective in reducing crime. Indeed, as we have become more liberal in our approach to behavioural problems, so has violence and criminality reduced. The picture you paint is the classic ‘golden age’ fallacy, based on no evidence beyond your own narrow experience and a natural hankering for an illusory past. What creates an atmosphere that catalyses violence are: deep societal division; reduction in public services, including most pertinently youth services; marginalising and de facto criminalising of groups pushed to the edges of society. These kids are you. Not something else. Not someone else.
As Toneloc says, there is no one-size-fits -all kind of answer to the problem of anti-social behaviour. There is a large range of it and everyone who participates in it is an individual.
Marva, if as you Say violence breeds violence, then failure to punish the violent thugs only encourages other kids to join the band wagon, left untreated the violence and complete disregard for authority spreads quickly like a cancer as we are currently witnessing.
These feral thugs do not need a spokesperson defending their crimes, they need punishment for their crimes. They are not poor defenceless children they are violent criminals blighting Thanet.
I do not see anyone defending their crimes, on this or any previous thread.
The only time I see police in numbers is when the animal export demonstration takes place, than you cant move for police in Macdonald’s at Minster