Thanet community news: Speakers club, male voice choir, TOFFs and Thanet Justice4Grenfell

Thanet Male Voice Choir

Thanet Speakers Club

Thanet Speakers Club is based in Ramsgate and meets at the Royal Temple Yacht Club on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.

The Club is part o a national group called the Association of Speakers Clubs, with over one hundred clubs based all over the country. Each club shares a clear objective: to practice and improve people’s ability to speak in public.

Promoting confidence and quality, Thanet Speakers Club provides a safe environment to practice speeches, structure a speech and improve the speaker’s ability to to be able to stand in front of people and speak confidently.

Thanet Speakers Club has nurtured and supported some speakers who have gone on to win regional and national trophies.

Meeting on a regular basis on second and fourth Thursday, between 8pm and 10pm the club has an informal, friendly approach and always provides an evening of entertainment, educational value and high standards.

Attending the club on your first night, you can simply observe or join in if you want to.

The evening is usually broken up in to two sections, in the first half, there may be an activity or a prepared speech from a club member.

In the second half there is a topics section which enables members to take part in an impromptu session. Both section are designed to build confidence and practice public speaking skills.

With a wedding coming up, a work presentation, a university/college viva Thanet Speakers will help and assist in supporting the structure and opportunity to improve the speech technique and approach

Contact: Steve – 07973354152

Thanet Over Fifties Forum

The next event is on Wednesday, July 10 from 1.30pm at the Viking Room, Queens Road Baptist Church, Broadstairs.

Speakers will be Steve Inett, CEO Healthwatch Kent, and also a NHS representative taking about health care in Thanet.

Thanet Male Voice Choir

On Saturday June 15 Thanet Male Voice Choir will play host to Leigh Orpheus Male Voice Choir from Essex to present a joint concert.

The event will take place at St Philip’s Church, Summerfield Rd, Palm Bay CT9 3JJ at 7:30pm. Details and tickets can be obtained by phoning Sec. Andy Brown 844625 email [email protected] Future events can be checked on the choir’s website

Thanet Justice4Grenfell

Please join us for a silent gathering to stand in solidarity with the Grenfell community on what will be the second year anniversary.

Seventy-two adults and children lost their lives on that terrible day and justice still hasn’t been served!

As a community we are going to come together to create a human chain on the beach, standing together and holding hands to visually represent all the victims that lost their lives that day.

Ramsgate Main Sands, June 14, 5.30pm-6.30pm