‘Burly’ intruder tries to force way into Ramsgate home of Summer Kitchen boss Sharon Goodyer

Sharon Goodyer Photo John Horton

A burly intruder knocked on the door of the Ramsgate home of Summer Kitchen founder Sharon Goodyer and then tried to force his way into the property on Wednesday night (April 24).

Sharon, 68, was at home in the Margate Road property at 11.45pm when there was a knock on the window and then the door.

The mum-of-three, who suffers with Parkinson’s disease, said: “I probably shouldn’t have answered but am used to people knocking at all times of the day and night if they need help with food.

“I answered and this burly man tried to force his way in. It was frightening. He got one foot in and I just found the strength and pushed the door to get him out. He managed to get it back open and then I managed to push it shut again but he was holding the handle so I couldn’t lock it.

“I just had to wait and then as soon as I could I got it locked and dialled 999.”

A police call handler stayed on the phone with Sharon until officers arrived.

She said: “They were brilliant. They went all around the area but he had vanished. They checked I was ok before they left.”

Sharon Goodyer at last year’s Summer Kitchen

Sharon, who headed up the free Summer holiday meals scheme in Ramsgate and Margate last year, says she was told a man had earlier forced his way into the home of an elderly couple, threatened them and stole from them.

She said: “I think he was an experienced criminal. He was smiling and talking to me in Romanian or Bulgarian the whole time, confident that he was going to get in.

“It has all left me feeling a bit wobbly. I feel that I should be able to answer my door whatever the time but I won’t be doing it again. It was scary.”


Police confirmed they are investigating the incident.

The man is described as being white, around 30 years old, 5ft 10in tall , of large build and with collar length dark hair. He was wearing a yellow top and is said to have had a foreign accent.

Anyone with information is asked to call Kent Police on 01843 222 289 quoting crime reference 46/78254/19.

Alternatively call the independent charity Crimestoppers in Kent anonymously on 0800 555111.

Further details of the crime against the elderly couple have been requested.


  1. What’s wrong with all these people going about doing wrong in Thanet? It is getting worse. We need a greater Police presence in the evenings and later.
    I hope Sharon is OK.

    • The responsibility for the rising crime not just in Thanet but the whole country rest solely with the people who voted Tory. You put the government which has failed to tackle crime for the last 12 years in power. Despite the fact they have continued to fail to address and resolve the issue you continue to facilitate their lack of policies and cuts to policing.Thanet continues to vote in Conservative MP regardless of their performance or failure to improve Thanet’s overall condition. It is time the electorate took full responsibility for their decisions and consequences of them. The upcoming local elections is a time to ask why am I voting for who I vote is it on performance or just out of habit.

  2. Hark at silly little Lucia going on
    It’s not tthe fault of Tory voters (or any other voters) it’s the fault of all the “snowflakes” for letting crap like this into the country in the first place.
    How very naive you are.

    • Perhaps Steyieboy could try not to use the almost meaningless would-be insult “snowflakes” and instead explain what he means. Lucia Xavier is absolutely correct. Without the bad influence of the Tories, and Farage’s mischief-making (if that’s not too frivolous a word) our country would be a much healthier place in all sorts of ways.

  3. It’s far left social workers, and the criminal justice system consumed by libertarianism that are the cause of the crime epidemic we are living in. There could be 100 thousand extra police on the streets and the scum committing the crime will still continue. The left and the liberals have taken away the deterrent. Unfortunately the Tory government have fallen into line with the socialists and instead of incarceration for crimes offenders are given community sentences because they don’t want to criminalise criminals. Community sentences do not work, they are not are deterrent and the feral kids and criminal underbelly of society are laughing in the victims of crimes faces.

    Lock the scum up and give them longer sentences, it’s cheaper in the long run and they will no longer be a blight to society. Society needs to stop putting criminals before their victims. People are turning to crime in record numbers not because they are underprivileged but because all the while there is no deterrent crime will continue to pay. Stop listening to the sob stories of the criminals, they are scum who are very good at deceiving people, everyone is born with a moral compass.but the scum decide not to listen to theirs. It’s time to get tough on crime and stop encouraging it.

    • Of course people are not “born with a moral compass”. Morality is learnt.

      What is a “far left social worker”? Are there any far right social workers and if so, how do they behave?

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