Bomb disposal team called to Manston airport site

An EOD team has been called (Stock Photo Keira-Beth Salt)

An explosive disposal team is on the Manston airport site for the second time in eight days.

On March 6 Kent Police received a report of munitions found at the site. The incident was attended by an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team.

A Royal Logistic Corps bomb disposal team has now been recalled to the site after the discovery of an unexploded war device. It is understood most other munitions being uncovered at the site are spent practice shells.

A requirement for the A299 Hengist Way to be closed in both directions between Cliffsend Roundabout and Minster roundabout with traffic is being diverted via Haine Road, Manston Road and Spitfire Way has now been rescinded,

A Kent Police spokesman said: “Kent Police was called at 10.42am following the discovery of an unexploded wartime device on the site of the former Manston airport.

“Officers are currently in attendance along with explosives experts from the British Army who are continuing to assess the scene.”

An Army spokesperson added: “There is an EOD Team currently deployed to the Manston Airport site following a request for assistance from Kent Police.”

Work has been taking place on the land to increase capacity for it to hold 6,000 – rather than the initial projection of 4,000 – lorries as part of Brexit resilience plans.

Some £4.9million is being spent on work including a new site access and a potential temporary hardstanding and modifications to the new entrance, which was used during a trial run of less than 90 HGVs earlier this month,

It will also pay for lining and signing. Kent Fire Service are currently undertaking a fire risk assessment of the truck spacing.


  1. There must be thousands of bombs still in the ground at Manston airport , building houses on there is madness !

    • Why must there be thousands of bombs in the ground at the closed Manston site? That was a pathetic thing to say. Is that the extent of your argument not to build anything Dave? Not building there means building elsewhere, in Thanet that means between our main towns and on much needed farmland. The Government tell us we will have houses whether we like it or not.

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