A Margate school has made “significant improvements” and been rated good in all areas by education watchdog Ofsted.
Salmestone Primary School in College Road was inspected last month and a report published on Thursday (February 28).
In two previous visits by Ofsted, the school – which converted to an academy in 2012 to form part of the The Kemnal Academies Trust – was given a requires improvement rating.
Pupils were not making good progress and the most able students were not achieving the expected standards.
But in the latest report, headteacher Nigel Pantling was praised for establishing a culture of high expectations of both pupils and teachers, and commended for the quality education provided by the school.
“Most pupils now make strong progress in a range of subjects, including English and mathematics,” said lead inspector Luisa Gould, who visited the school with two other Ofsted inspectors.
“Nevertheless, more pupils need to achieve the expected standards for their age at the end of Year 6.
“Pupils have positive attitudes to learning. In all subjects, they take great pride in their work, which is neat and well presented.
“Teachers now plan work that more accurately matches pupils’ starting points.
“Pupils show respect for adults and their classmates. They are polite, friendly and welcoming. They behave well in lessons and at break times.”
The inspectors also found that pupils with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) are well supported by teachers and leaders.
“As a result, these pupils make rapid progress,” the inspector said. “Disadvantaged pupils make good progress.”