Thanet council crackdown on illegal commercial waste disposal

Thanet council is cracking down on illegal disposal of commercial waste

Thanet District Council is cracking down on commercial properties and businesses that dispose of commercial waste illegally – with 90 businesses being sent trade waste notices.

By law all businesses are required  to have an appropriate commercial waste disposal process in place. It should not be disposed of in the weekly household waste collection or at KCC household waste and recycling centres and never in public bins.

The council’s enforcement team has been visiting businesses across Thanet to check that waste disposal processes are in place and being used.

So far, 90 businesses have been sent the trade waste notices for not being compliant. Two business owners have also been formally interviewed under caution. As a result the 90 businesses now have a trade waste agreement in place.

Any business, no matter how small, must have a commercial waste agreement in place or face a fine of up to £5,000.


Cllr Jason Savage, Cabinet Member for Operational Services, said: “All businesses within Thanet have a responsibility to ensure that the waste that they produce is disposed of correctly. This is something that all businesses have a legal obligation to adhere to. The volume of waste that is produced across Thanet is staggering, so not only is this a good reminder to businesses about disposing of their waste correctly.

“In addition, it may prompt them to review the extent of waste they produce and to be more environmentally friendly.”

Since October 2018 more than 1,500 businesses in Thanet have received a letter to remind them of their duty of care when it comes to disposing of their commercial waste.

Council advice

Know what waste you are producing – think about what you can recycle

Find the right waste contractor – are they legal, reliable, flexible?

Check your waste contractor’s credentials – ask to see their waste carriers licence

Get the right paperwork and keep hold of it – always get a copy of the waste transfer note from the person who takes your waste away. The duty of care in disposing of waste correctly is down to the producer of the waste- which means your business.

Report it

Any Thanet resident who suspects a business might be disposing of their waste incorrectly should contact the enforcement team on [email protected] so they can investigate.

Do it right

There are a number of local companies offering a commercial waste service across Thanet. The council also offers a service to businesses within the district. For more information on the council’s service please contact them on 01843 577900 or email [email protected].

More information on commercial waste and how it should be disposed of can be found at


  1. The vast majority of this is not commercial waste,there is simply not enough bins for the large number of flats the singular pictured bin has to serve, it’s all well and good fining people, but if that new revenue isn’t redispersed around that immediate locality it’s just another money making scheme, it’s very rare at the end of the day you could find that bin with any available space, majority being tenants in small 1 bedroom flats, it is no safer alternative to keep the rubbish for days at a time occupying space in short supply

    • “but if that new revenue isn’t redispersed around that immediate locality it’s just another money making scheme”

      Oh please… Can’t win with people like you!

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