Thanet fiction editor and published author Alice Olivia Scarlett will be hosting weekly write-ins every Friday morning throughout November for NaNoWriMo.
The free events will give writers of all levels, from budding novelists to experienced authors, the opportunity to work towards a novel whilst gaining support and advice.
November is National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for short), and since 1999 writers have been attempting to write an entire 50,000 novel in thirty days. Participation in NaNoWriMo is free and writers can sign up on the official website.
Several Thanet-based authors have taken part in previous years, but this year Alice wanted to bring participants together to create a mutual support network. She will also be giving away some writing goodies to those who attend the events and hit their target.
Alice has had various fiction published, as well as being a freelance editor, and she is the fiction editor for local non-profit publisher Thanet Writers. Earlier this year she spoke at the Margate Bookie literary festival for the launch of Shoal, an anthology of short stories by local writers which she edited.
“NaNo has always been such a fun and rewarding experience, even on the years when I ended on a woefully low word count,” Alice said. “I’m really excited to be holding these write-ins, and I hope they can encourage more local writers to take the plunge and create something new this November.”
The write-ins are being hosted by Alice on behalf of Thanet Writers, who are providing the winning goodies. The events will be held in Cliffs, a café regularly frequented by writers and creatives on Northdown Road in Cliftonville. Alice will be on-hand throughout the events to offer help, advice, support, critique, encouragement or to discuss ideas with any writers wishing to participate.
The write-ins will be from 9:30am to 12pm on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th November, and will be in Cliffs, 172 Northdown Road, Margate, Kent CT9 2QN.