Plans underway to celebrate 200th anniversary of royal harbour status for Ramsgate

Ramsgate Royal Harbour Photo John Horton

Planning is already underway for a three day event in 2021 to celebrate the 200th anniversary of royal harbour status for Ramsgate.

Organisers led by Ramsgate stalwart Ralph Hoult will mark the historic event of King George IV sailing from Ramsgate to Hanover and, on his return, proclaiming Ramsgate Harbour as ‘Royal.’

Plans for the September 2021 event include a Royal Visit, a grand parade from the town centre to the harbour, a uniformed parade and drumhead service as well as an historical variety show, heritage displays, visits of historic and modern ships and demonstrations from Ramsgate’s youth and theatre groups.

Ralph Hoult

Ralph said: “We will also have re- enactment groups of Vikings, Napoleonic soldiers, Victorians, World War One and Two personnel and vehicles as well as static displays telling the story of Ramsgate and its Royal Harbour.

“The team has now started signing up event makers so if anyone would like to join us and get involved in this very special celebration, please contact us now.”

Funding for the event is being sought from Ramsgate Town Council and other sources.

More details from Ralph Hoult on 07969672674 or email [email protected]


  1. And it will be the twenty third year that Pleasurama has stood derelict and abandoned. I hope any Royal visitor is given a tour of that too.

  2. Ramsgate needs a boost as everything seems to be about Margate. I really hope this will happen and not cancelled by TDC like some events people would like to see happen again.

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