Detectives have been granted warrants for the further detention of two Ramsgate 15-year-olds arrested yesterday (September 20) on suspicion of being involved in the commission, preparation and instigation of terrorism.
Detectives from Counter Terrorism Policing South East (CTPSE), arrested the teenage boys at approximately 6:15am at their homes.
Both are being held in custody under the Terrorism Act in the South East. The warrants of further detention mean police can continue to detain them until Thursday 27 September.
The pair were arrested on suspicion of preparing for terrorist acts. The acts are linked to the extreme right.
Searches at the addresses in Ramsgate are now complete.
Section 41
Any person arrested under section 41 is subject to provisions which allow for the extension of that person’s detention, prior to release or charge, beyond the normal limits.
The maximum period of detention allowed under section 41 is currently 14 days. In exceptional circumstances an emergency power allows for temporary extension up to 28 days and this remains the current maximum.
In the year ending 31 December 2017 there were 412 terrorism-related arrests in the UK. Twenty-seven of those arrested were under the age of 18.
Of the 1,983 people arrested under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000 since 11 September 2001, the majority (88%) have been detained for fewer than 7 days; 755 people (38%) have been held for less than one day, and 983 (50%) for between one and seven days.
Only 11 people have been detained for longer than 14 days, 10 in 2006/07 and one in 2007/08. Six people were detained for the 28 day maximum period in 2006/07.