Broadstairs & St Peters WI (afternoon group)
Broadstairs & St Peters WI (afternoon group) have had their first session of walking netball.
The group, aged between 60 and 80-something, took part in a taster session run in partnership with England Netball.
With help from Thanet District Council’s Colin Rouse and encouragement from the groups President Chris Head,the volunteer coaches Janet Adkins and Lorna Richardson were soon qualified as Walking Netball Hosts and were eagerly looking forward to delivering sessions to their fellow WI members.
The ‘Taster Session’ on Wednesday, August 29 at Hartsdown Leisure Centre, Margate was well attended. Janet and Lorna were delighted that 23 members came along to join in the fun and games.
The emphasis was on creating an opportunity for ladies who may not have played netball since their schooldays to be part of a team and to brush up on their skills in a safe, relaxed and friendly environment.
The ladies are all now looking forward to the weekly sessions starting in October. Our young at heart and energetic 82 year olds (there’s 2 of them!) were heard to say that they couldn’t wait for the netball to start properly because they had so enjoyed the taster session.
Walking Netball is a gentler, slower, milder version of the more energetic game played by the England Roses – winners of the 2018 Commonwealth Games Gold Medal but just as much fun and enjoyment.
England Netball was represented at this special occasion by Phill Harvey – Kent & S.E Londons’ Development Officer. Phill brought along a bag of netball ‘goodies’ for the group. Also adding her help and encouragement was Louisa Arnold, Kent Coach Development Officer. With their support the session was a great success!
Weekly sessions will continue at Hartsdown Leisure Centre in October.
Ramsgate RNLI
On August 29 the station was pleased to meet Kaye and Paul Daniels from the Chilton Lane East Side Allotments who had come to present a cheque for £150 raised by a raffle during their annual social get together in July.
Kaye and Paul are part of the management team for the allotments, as well as Margaret and Chas Cummins. The allotments are thriving with a waiting list of over 40 people. In recent years they have won Gold in the Kent Wildlife Trust and for two years came runner up for the Best Allotment in a Kent.
They have built a club lodge on the site, with grant money from KCC, Ramsgate Town Council and also Manston airport when it was running. The Lodge is used to house a first aid kit, a wildlife notice board and tea and coffee, providing a meeting area for the community to get together. They have a beekeeper and hives on site, who gives talks on bees and all surplus produce is shared amongst the 133 strong community.
We asked them why they had chosen to support Ramsgate RNLI as in previous years all of their proceeds from the raffle had gone to Pilgrims Hospice and it was suggested by one of their members to split the proceeds this year between Pilgrims and ourselves, for which we are extremely grateful. In fact Kaye and Paul’s middle daughter Cori had been a Ramsgate Lifeguard.
You can follow them on Facebook on Chilton East Allotments.
Ramsgate Rotary Club
An intriguing insight into the life of the Medway Queen, including the key part it played in the Dunkirk campaign, was the subject of a great presentation by Pam and Mark Bathurst to members of Ramsgate Rotary Club.
The couple told about the chequered history of the vessel including its salvage and the on-going work being put in to restore it.
The couple, who play a key part in the work showed historic film during the course of the evening. They were thanked by Past President Roger Waddell
Headway East Kent
Headway East Kent – Thanet, moved from Foresters Hall Meeting Street Ramsgate and relocated to 160 Margate Road Ramsgate in June. The new contact number is 01843 593084.
The service has hit the ground running and begun to build presence and profile in its new base.
The official opening will now take place on Friday, September 14 and will be attended by a representative of the Ramsgate Mayor.