9 isle properties with community value sold, or due to be sold, at auction by Thanet council over 18 months

The asset sell off

Campaigns have been launched by members of the Vale Square Residents Association and the new Save Hartsdown group in protest at the proposed sale of council-owned land at public auction.

The sales are part of Thanet council’s asset disposal strategy – selling property and land to bring money into the coffers and save spending on maintenance and repairs.

Some properties, such as The Old Lookout in Broadstairs and Birchington Memorial Ground, have been transferred as community assets to groups or parish councils.

But a number of properties with community interest have been sold, or are due to be sold, to the highest bidder.

The authority, which owns around 600 properties on the isle, aimed to save £200,000 per annum over two years with the programme of disposals.

We look at 9 council properties with community interest that have been sold, or are due to go under the hammer at public auction.

Land at Hartsdown Park

Andrew Hunt, of Fire Tech, is one of those leading the fight against the auction

A campaign has been launched, with legal action also being discussed, to fight Thanet council plans to sell land at Hartsdown Park which is currently home to sports clubs and a long-standing business.

The plot has been listed to go under the hammer at auction on September 10 following a council decision approved in June to sell off the freehold.

But furious tenants say they will fight the decision which they fear will impact on hundreds of young people who every week use the Falcon and Isle of Thanet boxing and kickboxing clubs, the table tennis club and the prestigious Thanet Taekwondo Club which has been at the site for some 25 years.

Also established on site for 18 years is Fire Technology, owned by businessman Andrew Hunt who says he was encouraged by the council’s assets boss Edwina Crowley to make a formal offer for the freehold and then had “an almost immediate” rejection despite offering the asking price.

A question has been raised over whether the land can be sold at all due to it being gifted to the people of Margate under a protective covenant in the will of former mayor Maude Hatfeild.

A petition raised against the sale can be found here

Campaign launched to halt auction of Hartsdown Park business and popular sports clubs site

Vale Square garden

The Vale Square east garden is due to go under the hammer on September 13 with Allsop property auctions as part of the council’s asset disposal programme.

The Vale Square Residents Association, which successfully registered the garden as a community asset in 2014, has been told that if members want to own the site they will have to bid at the auction.

Members of a residents’ association have spent 32 years clearing and maintaining the piece of land so it can be used by the community.

Jocelyn McCarthy, from the association, says a pledge from the authority that the group would be able to have the land under a community transfer has been dumped and letters and emails asking for the site to be withdrawn from auction have gone unanswered.

A petition launched to back the residents association claim to the gardens can be found here

Anger as Ramsgate gardens cared for by residents association for 32 years put up for auction by Thanet council

Western Undercliff café and toilets in Ramsgate.

Undercliff Cafe.

A fundraiser has been launched to bring a community café, toilets, lifeguards, benches and other improvements to the Western Undercliff in Ramsgate.

The plan is part of a bid by The Hideaway  – made up of members from the Western Undercliff Regeneration group – to buy the former café and toilets from Thanet council as a community asset.

The toilets and café have been shut since the property was severely damaged in October 2014 as the result of the failure of the main Southern Water sewer.  Following the clearance of contaminated waste from the site it was found that the foundation slab of the property had been fractured, damaging the structure of the building.

Thanet council had planned to demolish the site in 2015. It was then put on an asset disposal list that year but later withdrawn.

It was put back on the asset disposal list following approval last July to sell the site off. The group then filed an expression of interest.

The area is base for community groups including the Western Undercliff Regeneration Group (above) and members of the Addington Street Community. It was also used in 2015 for  the revived Ramsgate Sprint motorcycle event which attracted thousands of visitors.

The target for the fundraiser is £6000.

To donate click here

Fundraiser launched as part of plan to bring back cafe, toilets and other facilities to the Western Undercliff

Foresters’ Hall in Ramsgate

Foresters Hall

The property, which is used by charity East Kent Mencap and by Headway, is Grade II listed and designated an Asset of Community Value. TDC agreed to sell it off in November 2017.

The plan is to sell it at market value with first refusal given to the Trustees of East Kent Mencap.

TDC says the building needed to be sold as it is falling into disrepair and will need at least £455,145 spent to bring it back to a reasonable condition.

TDC does not have the money to carry out the work.

Sell-off plans for Foresters’ Hall in Ramsgate approved

West Cliff Hall

In July 2017, TDC agreed to sell the West Cliff Hall and Gardens on the open market.

The decision provoked an angry response from the organisation that has been working eight years on a project to revive the building.

Project MotorHouse, headed by Ramsgate resident Janet Fielding, has been working since 2009 to acquire and renovate the West Cliff Hall to create cinemas; theatres; bars; restaurants, offices and youth facilities.

In February this year the council announced it was seeking seeking expressions of interest in the hall. The Project MotorHouse group has been told it can bid for the premises.

Thanet council invites developer interest in Ramsgate’s West Cliff Hall

Dane Valley Enterprise Units in St Peter’s

The Dane Valley workshops were sold despite a campaign by small businesses at the site

The 22 workshops were sold at auction in March 2017 for £415,000.

The sale came despite a campaign by small businesses at the site who said they wanted to buy the 22 workshops between them.

The units were originally intended for use for start-up businesses. The site is now not in use.

22 council-owned workshops in St Peter’s have been sold at auction

Thanet Canoe Club

The former Thanet Canoe Club’s base in Newgate Gap, Margate, sold at auction for £99,000 after a bidding war in February 2017.

But not all sales were a bad thing, for these two sites it means a new lease of life:

Viking Bay shelter

Photo Skies Over Thanet

The seafront shelter, former toilets and lift off Victoria Parade at Viking Bay went under the hammer for a whopping £350,000 in October 2017.

Thanet council sold the freehold for the site which was bought by Annita and Justin van Oortmerssen and opened as the Funicular café this June.

The Funicular Coffee House in Broadstairs is open for business

Fort Road Hotel

Fort Road Hotel

Councillors agreed in October 2017 to put the property up for sale after 22 years of it laying empty.

The hotel was compulsorily purchased by the authority in May 2010. Initial plans for the site were for a boutique hotel.

The property is listed on maps of Margate going back to 1821, although it may be older.

In 2015 it was decided that the building should be converted into social housing flats.

A budget of £950,000 was agreed for the conversion. A further budget of £63,750, was set aside for costs of statutory compensation following the CPO. An allowance was also made for costs of £29,447 incurred prior to April 2015. Further costs for the building, totalling £77,009 have been incurred by TDC to date.

The social housing plan also failed to get off the ground.

The hotel sold at auction on June 12 for £360,000 – double the guide price of £180,000.

Fleet Architects are now working with the new owners  to explore returning the prominent building adjacent to Turner Contemporary to a hotel.

New owners of Fort Road Hotel in Margate plan to bring building back to its former use


  1. The Pavilion in Westgate has been sold with a possible twist. Sold as an alleged community asset but will be block booked every summer by a local school of English for use by its students. Who is the possible owner are they related to the present owners of the School of English. The most profitable time of the year for buildings such as this for shows and events is the summer months.

  2. This sounds like the practice of “selling off the family silver” ie. you can sell it once, then it’s gone and you are left with nothing because the cash you made was used up in everyday expenses and now you need more cash and there is no more silver left to sell.
    I think it was the former Tory Prime Minister, Harold MacMillan, who used the phrase to describe the way the modern Tories value nothing.They just sell off anything that the public own and then leave Councils , and national governments, without valuable assets. Those assets are now owned by very rich individuals or Corporations who have no loyalty to the public at all. And they don’t have to stand for election every few years.
    So, we can have our democratic elections if we want but the people that we elect have less and less resources left to carry out our wishes, because it’s all been sold off or “privatised”. How often do we hear the cry “We can’t afford it!” from politicians of all Parties. But which ones are prepared to make the well-off Corporations pay their taxes to make sure the rest of us are properly represented?

    • You may think it’s the Torys but it was the UKIP administration that ok’d all these sell offs. All have been signed off by the former UKIP cabinet. And if TDC hadn’t stripped their staff to the bone causing a backlog these sell offs would have already happened a while back. Let’s hope the conservative administration put a stop to the process.

  3. Barclays, Kent County Council and the LOBO Roadshow
    by shepwayvox

    Please copy this link and read where Kent’s money has gone- into profiteering by banks and ‘middle men’ with extortionate LOBO and LIBOR loans taken out, often with deep roots into the Tory party

    • KCC is a different matter. It has been Conservative run for years and they have no involvement with these TDC sales. Bod is quite correct. You can’t blame the Tories for something planned by either the previous UKIP or Labour-controlled outfits!

  4. Is there any evidence that the previous Labour administration of TDC (OMG how long ago was that!?) had even hinted at these sell-offs of land and other assets?

    In any case, the current TDC is run by the Tories (if only by default as the UKIP lot abandoned their sinking ship) so they can stop all this if they want. But they don’t seem willing to protect community assets in Thanet.

    • Run by?? It’s the first I knew that they had an overall majority unlike the situation UKIP had initially. They are perfectly capable of being defeated in any vote on any matter.

  5. If the officers at TDC were working for a Company….any Company…..they would have been sacked so quickly that their feet would not touch the ground. Because they feel they are untouchable, they do exactly what they want and are totally bankrupting Thanet. The councillors are led by the officers and they can do very little as they were, I believe, threatened with “special measures” if they objected. We have had some bad officers in Thanet over the past years but I believe this lot to be th worst we have ever had.

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