Health group urges people battling depression at Christmas not to suffer in silence

Seek help

NHS Thanet Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is urging people to get support if they are feeling sad or depressed over the Christmas holiday.

Dr Tony Martin, CCG chair, said: “Christmas can be demanding and stressful for many people.

“There may be family pressures, unrealistic expectations and money worries and the urge to make sure everyone is happy and having a good time adds to the strain.

“It is important to talk to friends or family and say how you’re feeling.

“If anyone feels that their sadness and depression is affecting their day-to-day life, they should seek help and not suffer in silence.”

For people already coping with serious problems in their lives, the festive season may make them feel significantly worse.

People with money or work worries, relationship worries or those who care for someone with a long-term health condition can also be at higher risk of anxiety and depression.

There is support is available so don’t suffer in silence.

The Mental Health Matters helpline (0800 107 0160) offers confidential emotional support and guidance for people in Kent and Medway 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Helpline staff are trained in counselling, so can provide support over the phone. They also have details of local and national services if people want more support.

Samaritans provides confidential support for anyone feeling down, depressed or anxious, as well as those who may be feeling despair. Volunteers can be contacted 24/7 on 116 123 (UK), or email [email protected] or face-to-face; visit for details of your local branch.

Live Well Kent can help people improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing. It is a free service for anyone over 17. Visit the website to find lots of information about opportunities in east Kent, including for talking therapies, or phone 0800 567 7699.