Thanet council to shut two public toilets in Margate due to “threats and drug misuse”

Toilets at The Centre

Thanet council will close two public toilets in Margate due to “vandalism, threats and drug misuse.”

The loos in College Walk and The Centre will shut on Friday (December 1) until further notice.

A Thanet council statement says: “Growing problems with anti-social behaviour mean that, from 1 December 2017, the public toilets at College Walk and the Centre in Margate (next to Peacocks) will be closed until further notice.

“This decision has been made in light of constant abuse of council staff, drug and alcohol misuse and continuous damage to the facilities.

“This has required considerable additional resource to cover cleaning and repair bills and, has had a detrimental impact on the safety of our staff, other toilet users and nearby properties.”


  1. So where are shoppers suppose to go if they need the toilets as far as I no not one of the shops as toilet facilities for the public or is everyone going to use the toilet in the council offices

  2. not nice places to have to visit. I can remember at Ramsgate sea front you used to go down stairs under ground could have the works toilet shower and get your shoes polished

    • They haven’t been open for ages too. There is absolutley nowhereto go now.
      My Disabled son has just walked back from Margate Library after he wet himself looking for a toilet and got refused in the Library. Morrisons have closed theirs and the centre toilets are closed along with the ones by Morrisons car park too.
      Thanet Council you are pathetic doing this. Just look after your disabled and shoppers who are being caught short in Town.

      • My husband has cancer and when he needs to go to the loo he has to go….no trying to find the nearest place! I think Thanet council are going to need more street cleaners, don’t think that’s going to happen though. I must say, things are really looking up in Thanet! The smell will probably be put down to the seaweed again! Merry Christmas Thanet District Council!

  3. My husband has cancer and when he needs to go to the loo he has to go….no trying to find the nearest place! I think Thanet council are going to need more street cleaners, don’t think that’s going to happen though. I must say, things are really looking up in Thanet! The smell will probably be put down to the seaweed again! Merry Christmas Thanet District Council!

  4. So where are people meant to go to the loo?
    Miserable Morrison’s have public toilets in Thier store at college square,BUT THAT they refuse to open them AS They Don’t Have A Cafe,why have them in the first place.
    Come on Thanet Council get The Toilets Open at College Square for a few hours at least,or charge people to use them,but get them open.

  5. you could use MCDONALDS in the high street but they are complaing people are not buying anything when i went today the upstairs where the toilets are.were closed off although it written “toilets open” what the council should of done is have cameras on the cleaners so when they were abused they have evidence aginsrt the person perhaps its just a few

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