A Westwood cottage could be demolished to make way for flats

43 Star Lane will be knocked down

An application to flatten a cottage on the corner of Star Lane in Margate and replace it with 12 flats has been submitted to Thanet council.

Agent JWDB planning consultants say: “The existing building is of little value, its loss and replacement with a landmark building will improve the character of the area.”

It is proposed that the site, at the corner with Nash Lane, will instead be used for a four-storey apartment building.

The scheme will have 14 parking spaces with road access from Star Lane.

The planning consultants say: “The design philosophy is to provide a fusion between the traditional residential apartments facing the site and the adjacent retail commercial style of development.

“The site is an important corner landmark site in a prominent location at the junction of Nash Road and Star Lane. It will create a focal point at one of the main entrances to the Westwood Town Centre.

“This scheme will help link the residential and retail development adjacent to the new Star Lane Roundabout as well as providing a landmark building with a prominent corner feature that will help people navigate their way through the Westwood Development.”

The currently property was once the crossing keeper’s cottage for the person who operated the level crossing gates from the road over the former Ramsgate town to Margate Sands branch Line.

The line was closed on July 2,1926, when the new Ramsgate station opened. Ramsgate Town formerly was the termini on what is now Station Approach. Trains from Margate Sands would run into this station and reverse to continue onwards towards Minster. The Newington Road bridge was the site of the former St Lawrence station and formed a triangular junction in the area of what is now used for the Ramsgate carriage sidings.

The line from Margate diverged directly through this area at Whitehall junction, near White Hall Farm (now Whitehall Road) and connected back up shortly before Newington Road bridge.

No decision has yet been made on the application, which has been revised from one previously submitted last year and granted permission in March this year.

As part of the initial application grant landowner Realrole Ltd agreed to pay £408 for each unit as a developer contribution towards mitigating any impact on the Sandwich Bay Special Protection Area.

With thanks to John Horton for crossing keeper’s cottage facts


  1. This cottage is of great historic value. Why do greedy developers keep getting the green light to destroy everything in their path just for financial gain?

    • Again the council seems intent in removing every last trace of the old SER line, every stretch is soon going to be developed when it should have been a pedestrian/cycle route through to Margate and Dreamland, given that Westwood Cross town, not a village, is going to spiral out of control.

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