Exploring evolution and Charles Darwin at Upton Junior School

Upton youngsters have been learning about Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution

Who are we and where do we come from are challenging questions being explored by inquiring young minds at Upton Juniors in Broadstairs.

The Year 6 group has embarked on a voyage of discovery to find out more about Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.

They have linked with the Powell Cotton natural history museum at Quex Park in Birchington that has lent them special artefact boxes containing historical relics.

Specimens include a rhinoceros molar tooth and a sheep horn. Pupils will analyse, group and classify the objects into categories as part of their work involving evolution and inheritance.

Later in the term, the group will visit the museum as part of their enrichment week to explore the galleries and look at the astounding range of exhibits.

As their topic evolves children will explore how living things have changed over time. They will focus on the life cycles of different animals and how to classify living things.

They will also investigate the idea that broad groupings, such as micro-organisms, plants and animals, can be sub-divided. They will look at reasons why species are placed in one group and not another, recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, and understand that normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents.

Katie Vary, head of Year 6, said: “Hands-on experiences make learning come to life and provide memorable enrichment experiences for the children.

“Year 6 has engaged brilliantly with the Darwin’s Delights unit so far, exploring how the work of Darwin has revolutionised our understanding of our own past.”

Head of School Darci Arthur believes the local resource of the Powell Cotton museum is invaluable for the children.

She said: “Working together with the museum gives our children a fantastic opportunity to experience the work they are researching and enjoying in class. It broadens their understanding of what they are learning about in a challenging and interesting topic.”