Ramsgate alleyway transformed from fly-tip hotspot to community ‘haven of peace and plants’

Residents have created a community haven at the Spencer Walk alleyway

A Ramsgate alleyway that was a hotspot for fly-tipping has been transformed into a beautiful community garden with flowers ,small trees, tomato plants, benches and chairs and tables.

Spencer Walk was plagued with dumped mattresses, rubble, fridges, piles of dog mess and rats and blocked drains. But in 2022 residents with properties along the alley decided action had to be taken.

They spoke to ward councillor Becky Wing who contacted Thanet council Street Scene officer David Myres. He brought in his team who cleared the alley over an extended period.

Cllr Wing and residents then swept and cleaned the area. Galvanised by the council support, a small residents’ group began to take shape and an alleyway greening project started.

Resident Nicky Chambers said: “Anything we could put compost in and plant up with flowers, trees and vegetables, soon found its way along both sides of the Walk.

“Neighbours who barely knew each other began to talk. Benches were made, garden tables and chairs appeared and on summer days and evenings neighbours sit, chat, plant, water and weed.

“Families with small children have a safe place to play and an extended family of other adults to watch out for them.”

Residents Michelle and Neil Coombs said: “We started putting out a few pots and then happily it escalated into a better and more welcoming environment where people now come and sit, chat and contemplate. It’s like plant therapy for people and it’s brought our community together.”

Kent County Council workers have been out to unblock the drains and residents say there has been a marked reduction in crime and dog mess.

Nicky said: “Residents know each other better now and have created a support network. Other locals also visit the alley and enjoy the walk amongst so much biodiversity in a place where you do not expect it.”

Resident Mabelle Peñalver added: “The spreading of community engagement has affected local biodiversity. We now have a growing number of insects, pollinators, birds and bats as well as a diverse group of people who have been brought together.”

Neighbour Guy Forrester said: “After everyone started the lovely planting I thought it would be nice to offer people a place to sit, so I made some benches for the alleyway. It’s really encouraging to see people from our local community sitting in the sun, chatting and gazing at the beautiful plants and greenery.”

Mandy Barrett added: “This project has restored my faith in our community and now means we have respect in our neighbourhood. Our community has grown and got wider and now people use the alleyway to come together.”

KCC has said the alley can be gated if all residents and property owners agree. If this goes ahead the Spencer Walk group says a request would be for it to remain unlocked as the area is now a ‘people’s alley.’

The residents have set up a co-operative with a constitution so they can progress further plans.

To celebrate they held their first official get-together with food, drink and activities yesterday (September 22).

Cllr Austin, Mabelle Peñalver and Cllr Wing

Cllr Wing said: “Spencer Walk has been transformed from a fly tipping nightmare alley to a haven of peace and plants.

“Residents have reported the presence of bats along the alley at night and we believe this is due to an increased bug-food source for them. With so much of our land being built on, we need to encourage greening projects like this, however small or big.

“Spencer Walk now brings joy instead of despair.”

Fellow ward councillor Tricia Austin added: “It’s amazing what greening of an alley can do to encourage bees and birds.”

It is hoped other residents in the town may want to transform alleys in their area and Cllrs Wing, Austin and Raushan Ara would love to hear from anyone who’d like some help.Contact details can be found on websites for Thanet district and Ramsgate town councils.

Cliftonville alley scheme

Another alleyway project in Thanet will be holding a celebration next weekend.

The Athelstan/Ethelbert roads alleyway in Cliftonville was also a fly-tipping hotspot, accounting for some 10% of all dumped items on the isle.

In 2021 the possibility of funding to gate the alleyway was raised and last year a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) aimed at tackling littering and antisocial behaviour in the area was approved.

Residents have since been working on creating their gated community garden and are holding a community activity day in the alley this Saturday September 28) from noon to 4pm.

The free event is open to everyone and will feature children’s and young people’s art, gardening activities, a wildlife event and barbecue and refreshments.