Phase two application due to be submitted for controversial development on farmland off Shottendane Road

Phase one of the 450-home people development is now underway Photo Craig Solly/ Save Our Fields

Developers are due to submit a planning application for the second phase of a controversial 450 home build in Margate.

Places for People Developments are already on site for phase one of the build on agricultural land off Shottendane Road, which gained approval in April for a reserved matters application for 138 dwellings.

The build already has outline planning permission for the 450 properties. The development proposal originally by Gladman Developments Ltd was rejected by Thanet council three times – in April, June and then July of 2021. But it was then granted following an inquiry in 2022.

The development includes the homes, a new distributor link road connecting Hartsdown Road, Shottendane Road and Manston Road, two new roundabouts, children’s play areas and recreational routes.

The masterplan for the site was created by Places for People Developments, a property management, development, regeneration and leisure company which acquired the land last year.

Places for People

The Phase one site was agricultural/grazing land measuring 6.53 hectares. It abuts Hartsdown Road at its northern end, wrapping around Shottendane Farmhouse and including the central roundabout and the realignment of Shottendane Road.

An agricultural field abuts the western boundary, separating the site from Hartsdown Academy. The phase one build will consist of 12 one-bed flats, 23 two-bed flats, 13 two- bed houses, 51 three-bed houses and 39 four-bed houses and is expected to have its first residents move in by Spring next year and be completed by 2027.

Phase one under way Photo John Horton

Now Places for People are due to apply to Thanet council for reserved matters for phase two and hope for approval early next year with work starting by mid-2025.

The developer says this phase will include 312 homes with additional affordable housing, 10 acres of open space including five play areas, 2.7 acres of bird habitat, cycle and pedestrian routes and the southern link road and new roundabout on Manston Road.

Places for People Developments plan to build out the entire site in four phases.

The site sits alongside Thanet council owned land that is earmarked for Gypsy and Traveller pitches. This is dependent on consultation and a future planning application and is not related to the People for Places development.

Further surrounding fields are earmarked for developments that will create up to 2000 properties and land may also be compulsory purchased for use by Kent County Council for the Inner Circuit road network.

Tenant farmer Jonathan Tapp’s family has been tending the land in Margate for more than 200 years  but he says the area he farms is now “being nibbled away” from all sides.

Red = 450 houses. Yellow = proposed Traveller site and houses. Purple = Inner Circuit road Black = 2000 houses Image Save Our Fields

Jonathan lost some 50 acres of land at Shottendane which was sold by the private owner in 2022 and is part of the 450 home development.

He is also renegotiating leases for land forming part of Hartsdown and Twenties farms in Shottendane Road which has part of the site earmarked for the Inner Circuit and proposed Traveller provision plans. The land currently produces potatoes through intensive farming as well as crops including wheat, beans, barley and oats.

Save Our Fields campaigners Karen Farmer, Maureen Farmer and Sonia Stewart

The Westgate and Garlinge Action Group against housing development on farmland  has previously written to Thanet council over their concerns of the use of agricultural land when there are brownfield sites on the isle. The group also voiced concerns at the planning appeal by developer Gladman in 2022.

The group is holding its monthly meeting this Wednesday (September 25), 7pm-9pm, at The Bakehouse in St Mildreds Road, Westgate. All are welcome.