Authors inspire St Gregory’s primary children

youngsters worked with poet and rapper Zohab Zee Khan

Award winning authors and poets have inspired young children at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary in Margate.

A group of Year 5 pupils were engaged, enchanted and enthralled when they worked alongside former Children’s Laureate Michael Rosen, acclaimed Kent writer Lucy Strange and Australian poetry slam champion and rapper Zohab Zee Khan.

The group had the rare opportunity to meet the literacy luminaries at a special reading conference organised by the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership charitable company at St John’s Primary School in Gravesend.

Year 5/6 teacher Rosie Hart believes the visit further motivated the love of reading and writing for the pupils.

She said: “It was a fabulous event and the chance to take part in creative workshops with three brilliant authors, speakers and motivators was a huge opportunity.

“Zohab was so passionate and enthusiastic, and he also showed how he played the didgeridoo as well; Lucy offered tips to the children for writing their own stories; and Michael recited parts from his story Chocolate Cake and various poems, as well as talking to the children about key events in his life as an author.

“It was an amazing motivational opportunity that has really inspired our children that they can all be authors.”

There was a special surprise for the children to mark their time at the conference – they were all given a signed copy of Michael Rosen’s ‘Book of Very Silly Poems’ which was purchased by KCSP for them.

Head Teacher Dave Walker said: “St Gregory’s pupils have a real love of reading and writing – taking part in a specialist conference and meeting three very different and expressive authors further encourages their creative ambitions.”

*Michael Rosen is also a professor of children’s literature in the Department of Educational Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London. He has written over 200 books for children and adults.