Hartsdown Academy scoops top title at Student Social Mobility Awards

Headteacher Matt Tate and Nigel Knight, Careers & Outreach coordinator, with the award

Hartsdown Academy has won the accolade of School of the Year at the 2024 Student Social Mobility Awards  ceremony in Mansion House, London.

The awards are open to all UK secondary schools and sixth form colleges, recognising those that have made outstanding efforts to boost the career aspirations of students from lower socio-economic backgrounds. This could be through the creation or adoption of programmes that serve to broaden career horizons, boost aspirations or facilitate the future success of students.

Launched by upReach in 2018 the awards celebrate those breaking the mould in raising student aspirations and recognise initiatives that drive meaningful social change.

Award ceremony

Nigel Knight, Careers & Outreach coordinator at Hartsdown, said: “This amazing award comes as a true reflection of the commitment and dedication our school community has to its students. Raising aspirations and ambitions flows through the veins of everything we do and being named School of the Year is recognition of our dedication for success and creating new and inspirational opportunities for every student.

“Since January 2023 over 150 bespoke opportunities have been created for students at Hartsdown to engage and explore pathways within further/higher education and careers.

“In that same timeframe over 200 employers have partnered with us, Higher Education establishments and business professionals have supported workshops, seminars and our hugely successful Big Dreams Careers Exhibition.

“We have also just completed another hugely successful work experience programme that has seen nearly 250 students participate in work placements over the last two summers. Students have also attended residential programmes with Oxford University and more local programmes with Canterbury Christ Church University and the University of Kent.

Careers event at Hartsdown

“None of this would be possible without the support of our increasing team of employer and education partners who share our desire and commitment to create accessible, relevant and exciting opportunities for all our students. They give of their time, expertise and experience to bring the world of opportunity into the school or open their doors, always willing to share their careers journeys and by doing so inspiring our own young people for the future.

“Such opportunities provide students with an expansive and diverse knowledge to consider their future pathways including post-16/18 education which is now very much a narrative they have adopted. This year 82% of Year 13 students have made successful university applications, and it is likely that our sixth form intake will increase by over 90% for the second consecutive year.

“It has been a remarkable journey and combined with the additional GCSE results achievement of being the most improved Progress 8 school in Kent in 2023 and 11th in the UK, this award is something we can truly be proud of as our team of dedicated staff continue with their desire to help the young lives in our care to dream big dreams, be ambitious for future pathways and be limitless with their aspirations.”