Farewell to Birchington primary headteacher Kath Barham, retiring after 17 years at the helm

Birchington primary headteacher Kath Barham

Birchington CE Primary School headteacher Kath Barham is retiring today (July 23) after 17 years in her role.

Kath’s first teaching post was at Dame Janet Junior School in Ramsgate. In 2000 she became acting headteacher at Sheldwich primary in Faversham at the age of 28 and became the youngest headteacher in Kent the following year.

She took her role as headteacher of Birchington primary in Easter 2007 and has remained at the school for 17 years.

During Kath’s time at Birchington she has overseen many positive changes, including the expansion of the school.

A school spokesperson said: “She has helped and supported thousands of children and hundreds of staff over the years .

“Birchington CE Primary School has been her life and she was so passionate about providing the best possible future for the children and staff in her care.

“Being a church school was also very important to Kath and she strongly believed in and endorsed the Christian ethos and Christian vision for the school alongside  strong school values.

“It is now time for a new chapter and we wish her well in her new adventures.”