Royal Harbour Academy students get involved with Canterbury Bike Project

The programme is held at Betteshanger Country Park

A group of Year 7 students from Royal Harbour Academy in Ramsgate have been enthusiastically participating in the Canterbury Bike Project, an exciting extra-curricular programme held at Betteshanger Country Park.

The initiative, made possible through a successful bid for funding, has provided students with an opportunity to gain valuable life skills and engage in healthy, outdoor activities.

The Canterbury Bike Project is a six-week programme where students attend one day a week at Betteshanger Country Park. This engaging and educational initiative focuses on several key components:

  • Students receive hands-on training in essential bike repair skills under the expert guidance of experienced instructors. This practical knowledge empowers them to maintain their bicycles and fosters a sense of independence and competence.
  • In-depth sessions on bike safety, traffic rules, and responsible biking habits ensure our students become confident and responsible cyclists. This education is crucial for their safety and for promoting a culture of mindful biking within the community.
  • Planned recreational bike rides offer students the chance to apply their newly acquired skills in real-world settings. These rides not only reinforce their learning but also promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

Feedback from the students has been overwhelmingly positive. One student said: “I actually love it! It’s so fun.” Another added: “Sometimes it is tiring but it’s still fun,” highlighting the enjoyable yet challenging nature of the programme.

The Canterbury Bike Project has proven to be an invaluable addition to the school’s extra-curricular offerings, providing a balanced mix of practical skills, safety education, and physical activity.