Pupils create fabulous art and music as ‘the circus comes to Garlinge’

Circus-themed fun at Garlinge Primary

Pupils and staff at Garlinge Primary School and Nursery have continued their annual tradition of Arts Week.

This year, the children’s creativity was inspired by the topic: ‘The Circus Comes to Garlinge.’

On the final day of Arts Week (Friday 26th May), students of Garlinge Primary School came together and celebrated with a whole school parade showcasing their vibrant and artistic circus themed creations.

Alongside this, students sang songs including, ‘Firework’ and ‘This is the Greatest Show’, and the school’s dance troop performed a brilliant routine to a series of tunes from the film, ‘The Greatest Showman’.

Head of School Mr Cope said: “This was a fantastic event where our children could showcase their artwork to the rest of the school. It was a pleasure to see music and art combined.

“The children and staff excelled in their creativity throughout the week. The parade was so much fun, I loved the circus theme.

“A special thanks must go to Miss Jenkins, Mr Cowan, Miss Bailey, Mr Bailey and rest of the PE team for their hard work and dedication in organising such an inspirational week for all.”

Head Girl, Eleanor, aged 11, said, “We had a fantastic week celebrating Arts Week.”

Lead of the Arts, Miss Jenkins, said: “Arts Week has been a huge success and it was lovely to see our children’s excitement during the parade. The school’s corridors and hallways have become a bustling avenue of imaginative displays.”