A man was arrested, charged and appeared in court within 24 hours of a reported indecent exposure in a Margate car park.
Plain clothes officers spotted a man believed to be exposing himself during a patrol in the College Walk area on the afternoon of Tuesday 7 May.
An arrest was made and Ricky Neville was charged that evening with exposure and breaching a sexual harm prevention order.
The 55-year-old, of Grosvenor Place, Margate, appeared at Folkestone Magistrates’ Court the following day and was remanded in custody to appear at Canterbury Crown Court on 10 June.
Hang him job done = no expense to the tax payers
You dirty ol’ man!
30 years ago was doing the same in the same locality.Should have been castrated by now.
I have just Googled Ricky Neville. He has had a busy few years. I can not think why he is walking the streets. I suppose they would call it care in the community.
Had 22 convicted sex convictions up to 2017!! Jesus why is he still able to walk around? Like I said earlier hang the scum job done !! Nothing but a parasite, they all need eradicating
Section it, long term secure mental ? Care , drug it to the eyeballs – throw away the key .
This creature , thing will get worse , not stop , The public need protecting from it /this creature
I bet he wears flip flops when it’s not particularly warm too 😡
There is now sufficient evidence to show people like this go on to commit serious sexual offences even murder (Couzens had a history of exposing himself then went on to kill Sarah Everard!) Why isn’t he in a secure mental hospital, if he has a life time of sex offences?