Margate 11 year old conquers Snowdon climb in aid of British Divers Marine Life Rescue

Oakley completes his Snowdown climb

An 11-year-old boy from Margate has completed a six hour hike to reach the summit of Mount Snowdon to raise funds for British Divers Marine Life Rescue.

Oakley Nolan became interested in BDMLR when visiting his nan in Westbrook and meeting her neighbours, BDMLR medics Sheila and Jez Stone.

Sheila said: “He has shown such in an interest in what BDMLR do that he comes to see the seals when we have rescued them. We have spent time with him, discussing the injuries and illnesses that they might have.

“He is also arranging for us to go to his school to give an assembly to the other students as he is so passionate about what we do.”

The determined lad took on his Snowdon hike, climbing to the peak which is  3,560 feet above sea level, last Saturday (May 4) and has so far raised £1,130, smashing his original £800 target.

Oakley said: “I love animals and marine life in particular, and as our waters are over fished and constantly polluted our marine life can often find itself in difficulty and the BDMLR are there to help.”

BDMLR aims to provide a rescue service for all marine wildlife, to provide support to existing rescue centres and develop new methods of treatment, transport and care.

Seal rescue has remained a major component of the BDMLR’s work, with medics rescuing animals in all seasons around the UK, but the organisation has also become progressively more involved in the response to stranded and entangled cetaceans – whales, dolphins and porpoise.

Travis and Oakley

Oakley’s dad Travis said: “He climbed Mount Snowdon with ease and he done it whilst talking about the good the money he has raised for the BDMLR will do. He’s had it at the forefront of his mind the entire way and marched on like it was a stroll in the park! He smashed it.”

Shelia added: “BDMLR Kent are extremely proud of Oakley and grateful for his donation, it will go a long way to help support the poorly seals around our coast. Thank you Oakley from the bottom of our flippers!”

Donations can still be made to Oakley’s JustGiving page at Oakley Nolan is fundraising for British Divers Marine Life Rescue (

If you come across marine life in difficulty please call the BDMLR on 01825 765546