Community news: Lifeguards, Inner Wheel, Making Ellie Count, Thanet slimmers, sewage protest, W2W, Southeastern, diabetes, charter trustees, Rotary, RAF Manston, Salvation Army and Westwood Cross

Lifeguard recruits Photo courtesy of RNLI Margate

RLSS UK/ RNLI/Thanet Lifeguard Club

The RLSS UK have teamed up with Surf Life Saving Association Wales (SLSAW) to offer the National Beach Lifeguard Qualification (NVBLQ) which is a national standard for beach lifeguarding.

On completion of this course, candidates will gain the skills, understanding and knowledge to protect the public at the beach. NVBLQ is also endorsed by the National Water Safety Forum and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI).

Members of the RNLI in conjunction with members of Thanet Lifeguard Club, hosted their annual beach lifeguard course, providing training/education in skills and knowledge in effective beach lifeguarding covering:

Beach Environment. Hazards. Supervision

Rescue Techniques

Life Support. CPR. AED. Incident Management

The course covers all aspect of coastal beach lifeguarding and over a period of three weekends in April, twelve candidates were put through their paces and even though the sun was shining at times, they experienced the true meaning of cold-water immersion. All candidates adapted very quickly and show continual confidence and development as the course progressed. The course provides skillsets to help someone in trouble in the sea and promote drowning prevention education.

The final day of the course is where candidates are externally assessed, to show their understanding and underpin their learning. The assessment process comprises:

Theory of beach lifeguarding, answering questions on the following topics:

  • The beach environment
  • Beach patrolling and working practices
  • Communications
  • Life support CPR and AED

Life-support, completing practical scenarios:

  • Primary survey
  • Secondary survey
  • Action for vomit
  • Recovery position
  • Choking on an infant, child & adult
  • CPR on an infant, child & adult manikin

First-aid scenarios

Pool, to demonstrate skills and stamina:

  • Swim 400 metres swim in eight minutes or less
  • Demonstrate defence and release actions
  • Find and retrieve a casualty who is underwater
  • Contact tows

Ocean test, competences in open water:

  • Hand, flag and whistle commands
  • Run (200m), swim (200m), run (200M) rescue of responsive casualty
  • Rescue, assess and retrieve, unresponsive casualties using lifesaving equipment

A special mention goes to the team that orchestrated and delivered the course. RNLI lifeguards and crew members Stuart Cattell (RLSS UK National Trainer Assessor/Lead Trainer) Neil Morgan and Dan Seagrove Castle (RLSS Trainer Assessor). RLSS/RNLI volunteer lifeguards Megan Morgan and Adrian Szuler. RLSS UK Assessors Tom Hawkins and Chris Espejo.

A big thank you to, RNLI Thanet & Swale Lifeguard Service, RNLI Ramsgate Lifeboat Station, RNLI Margate Lifeboat Station and Thanet Lifeguard Club who will be celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. All of which forms our relationship within Community Lifesaving.

Stuart said: “The course had a number of challenges to overcome as every year does but still managed to punch ahead! The biggest challenge this year was the loss of Thanet Lifeguard Club House. In previous years Thanet Lifeguard Club have open their doors to allow the course to use their clubhouse at Westbrook Bay (The Loggia) but since the acquisition of the property by Tracy Emin, the club no longer has a home and the future of its club house still remains unknown at this time but with the fortitude and tenacity of the course participants, another successful course was completed.”

If you’re interested in joining next year’s course email [email protected]

Inner Wheel Club of Margate

Margate Inner Wheel enjoyed a Bubble & Squeak evening at a member’s house to raise funds for the international charity, Hope and Homes for Children.

Hope and Homes for Children is a British registered charity operating and working with children, their families and communities in several countries in Central and Eastern Europe and Africa, to help children grow up in safe and productive environments.

Inner Wheel is celebrating 100 years of working in the community. To “Shine a Light” on Inner Wheel and its projects and the people we help, the Inner Wheel Club of Margate sold over 100 cakes at 50p or £1 a slice at Holy Trinity Church, Cliftonville on Friday 26th April in aid of our chosen charities this year, RNLI, PDSA and the International charity Hope & Homes.

A Beetle Drive is our next fun afternoon to raise funds for Association President’s Charity, Beat. Beat is the UK’s leading charity supporting those affected by eating disorders and campaigning on their behalf. Founded in 1989 as the Eating Disorders Association, it celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2019.

Visits to the cinema, a Strawberry Tea, outings and our annual crazy golf trip are just a few events to look forward to. Inner Wheel is one of the largest women’s voluntary service organisations in the world. The objects of Inner Wheel are true friendship, personal service and international understanding.

If you would like to join us or learn more about Inner Wheel, please email [email protected].

Making Ellie Count

Last year on September 3rd at The Pavilion in Broadstairs, a charity event was held in memory of Ellie Lunn who passed away from Sepsis.

This year Ellie should have been enjoying her tenth birthday with Evie, her twin, which is why the 21st March was chosen as the day the cheque would be presented to UK Sepsis, £1020 was raised.

Kerry, Ellie’s mum, a director at Caremark, said they were overwhelmed with the response from everyone giving their time for free  and the Pavilion for giving use of their venue.

Debbie Day, who is organising the event again for Caremark, said: “ I am so excited to be organising this event again and delighted to say that I have 4 bands booked already who are donating their and once again the Pavilion has said they will be delighted to give us the venue”.

A spokesperson for Caremark said: “It is not just about raising money for the charity Sepsis, it is about making people aware of the symptoms, and how easily they can be masked.”

If you believe you or someone else has Sepsis, then make sure a test is carried out.

Making Ellie Count 2 will be held this year at the Pavilion in Broadstairs on the 8th September from 12 noon till 5pm. This again will be a free event open to the public. More details will to be released in June.

Ellie also has a UK Sepsis just giving page. If you would like to donate please visit

Thanet Slimming World donation

Super slimmers in Thanet have raised over £8000 for Cancer Research UK by donating the clothes they slimmed out of to the charity’s shops.

The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw with Cancer Research UK is an annual event which takes place in Slimming World groups across the UK and sees members donating clothes, shoes, and accessories that no longer fit.

The Thanet Slimming World groups who meet weekly collected over 322 bags, worth around £8000 for Cancer Research UK.

Slimming World Consultant Samantha Jess who runs the St Peter’s group, says she’s proud of how the team members came together to support the charity as well as celebrate how far they’ve come on their own weight loss journeys.

She added: “Every week I’m inspired by our members and their dedication and determination to achieve their weight loss goals. They’re just as enthusiastic when it comes to getting involved in events such as The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw too.

“We were bowled over by how many bags they filled with clothes that they’ve slimmed out of to raise money for such an important charity. What we really love is that they’re so confident they will never need these clothes again because they’ve made changes they can keep up for life!”

As well as raising funds for Cancer Research UK, the aim of the event is also to raise awareness of how maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of developing some types of cancer. Overweight and obesity is the second biggest preventable cause of cancer in the UK and more than one in 20 cancer cases are caused by excess weight.

Samantha said: “Being overweight doesn’t necessarily mean that a person will develop cancer, but we know that losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent a number of health conditions, including some types of cancer. The work that Cancer Research UK does to help those affected by cancer is vital. I’m so proud of my members for their passion towards this fundraising event as I know that their contributions will help the charity continue its life-saving research.”

Over the years, Slimming World has raised more than £20 million for Cancer Research UK

Surfers Against Sewage

Surfers Against Sewage are hosting a national day of action on Saturday the 18th May;

There will be a Paddle Out Protest in Viking Bay at 10am. Bring a placard asking Southern Water to stop releasing raw sewage into Thanet Waters. You can join the group on the beach or bring your body board, surf board, paddle board or other water craft and join the Paddle Out.

Come along and join members of Save Our Seas and Surfers Against Sewage to ask English Water Companies to stop dumping raw sewage into our beautiful Thanet seas and rivers.


We met with TDC to explore working together to manage the wilderness outside the Premier Inn at Margate seafront. The great news is TDC plan to cut down all the weeds within a couple of weeks and add the plot to their mowing rota. This will enable Wildernesstowonderland to create something wonderful for our residents and visitors to enjoy from the wilderness we see today…Watch this space

Big thanks to Margate Mayor Rob Yates for allowing us to salvage all the plants from the promenade  planters before the baskets are replanted for summer. After 7 hours of hard work we have sorted  hundreds of pounds worth of plants to be enjoyed by creatures great and small in Wildernesstowonderland community gardens around Margate

Southeastern litter pick

Southeastern staff swapped their dispatch bats and whistles for litter pickers as they cleaned up Margate beach.

A total of 11 colleagues from across the company were involved in the coastal clean-up on Friday, 26 April – collecting enough rubbish to fill 20 bags.

Shoes, speakers, gloves, and a tyre were among some of the more unusual items found.

Station Manager Edward Goddard said: “Southeastern brings thousands of tourists to Margate every summer and we’re proud to have played our part in cleaning up the seafront ahead of a busy few months at the station.

“We’re putting on extra late-night weekend services from June to get people back from events at Dreamland – and we’re adding extra coaches to some of our high speed trains to provide more space for people travelling to and from the coast.

“All of us at Southeastern care about the communities we serve and our ‘coastal clean-up’ is just one of a number of ways we’re building a better and more sustainable railway.”

Read more about June’s timetable change here.

Thanet Diabetes Support Group – Exercise Class

The Thanet Diabetes Support Group was set up in 2018 by Think Healthy Me’s former Life President Brian Urwin, who sadly passed way. Brian had type 2 Diabetes which he reversed through diet.

The Group meets monthly, mainly online, to support each other through their diabetes journeys. The group is going from strength to strength.

Our next meeting, (02/05/2024 – 5.15-6.15pm) is an in-person (at request of members) interactive meeting at Radford House, Ramsgate, CT11 9AT. The topic is Exercise for Diabetics, with one of Think Healthy Me’s associates, Eric Holmgren, leading us through light exercises, we can do at home.

If you are a diabetic, type 1 or 2 or you support this kind of group, feel free to come along to the session. Please register by emailing  [email protected]. Places are limited to 20 participants.

For more information about what we offer visit: and

Margate Charter Trustees

Annual General Meeting & Ceremony of Mayor Making at Margate Baptist Church Cecil Square on Monday 20th May at 7pm.

Mayor-elect is Cllr Jack Packman and deputy Mayor-elect is  Cllr Katie Pope,

Margate Rotary Club Boot Fair

Sunday 26 May.

Time to sort out your unwanted goods and join us for our first Boot Fair of the Year.

Palm Bay Recreation Ground CT9 3PP.

Gate opens at 7am NO TRADE PLEASE Cars £9 Vans £12 Vans with trailers £12

Just turn up at 6.45am to secure a pitch.

RAF Manston History Museum

RAF Manston are delighted to announce that our popular monthly boot fair will now be expanded to include autojumble and a local farmers market.

The market takes place on the first Saturday of the month (From April until October) and the first expanded one will be on Saturday 4th of May.

Open to the public from 9am to 1pm.

The Local produce & Craft market will be hosted by Kent Food Hubs CIC.

The museum and NAAFI Café will be open as usual if you plan to enjoy the whole day with us.

Parking at the event is £1 per car.

Please come along and see what we have on offer.

Salvation Army Ramsgate

We are delighted that the Central Southern Area Fellowship Band and Ladies Chorus of the Salvation Army have accepted our request to visit Ramsgate Corps.

The band is led by Ken Clark with Karen Todd leading the Ladies Choris.

Performance at May 11, 3pm, ay Ramsgate Harbour and at Ramsgate Salvation Army music festival 7pm.

Then on May 12 at Ramsgate Salvation Army, morning worship 10.30am and Praise Concert at 2.30pm.

More details at Ramsgate Salvation Army, 167 High Street, or call 07900497326 or email [email protected]

Westwood Cross donations

Westwood Cross Shopping Centre has marked its fundraising efforts from the last 12 months with a cheque presentation ceremony.  The donations total £3,300 and were presented to organisations dedicated to making a positive impact in the area.

Excited Scouts from the 1st St Lawrence Scout Group proudly accepted their £2,000 donation which will be used towards refurbishing its 1967 Hut with a new ceiling, a vital facility to the community group.

East Kent Mind were presented £1,000 to further their vital veterans project, aimed at reaching out to veterans who may not have engaged with traditional support services. The project focuses on combatting loneliness, anxiety, and isolation.

Additionally, Demelza has received £300 to assist in their mission of providing crucial care and support to children and young people facing serious or life-limiting conditions.

Francesca Donovan, Centre Director at Westwood Cross, said: “We are delighted to contribute to these outstanding organisations. Supporting local charities that make a real difference to people’s lives is a key part of our commitment to the community, and we’re excited to continue fundraising in the coming months!”

The donations reflect Westwood Cross Shopping Centre’s ongoing dedication to driving positive change and supporting essential services in Thanet and beyond.

Diabetes UK

A charity that works with people who live with diabetes is to host a “Discovery Day” in Broadstairs in a bid to increase volunteering numbers across Thanet and help people live well with diabetes.

The Volunteer Discovery Day will take place on Wednesday, May 22, in the Westwood Cross Shopping Centre (23 Margate Road, Broadstairs CT10 2BF). It will run from 11am to 3pm.

Shoppers and visitors invited to stop for a chat with Diabetes UK staff members and find out about the charity’s work and the volunteer roles on offer – plus there will be information for people living with and at risk of diabetes.

Ruth Portway 77, a retired nurse and health service manager who lives in Kent, has volunteered with Diabetes UK for around 10 years.

Her husband and son both have type 2 diabetes. Ruth says: “I have seen how difficult it can be for people to live with diabetes, both from a professional point of view as a former nurse and from a personal point of view.

She says: “When people ask me about volunteering, I tell them that I know from my working life that people do better when they have support. With volunteering, you can be sure than you are making a difference in that time,

“I help with events and stalls in various locations for Diabetes UK. It’s partly about being a listening ear but also about pointing people in the direction of help and advice.”

Charlotte Burford, Engaging Communities and Volunteering Manager at Diabetes UK, says: “Without the help of our wonderful volunteers we wouldn’t be able to do much of our work. We are very grateful to them all and we try to ensure that our volunteers have a good experience with us.

“We would welcome more help in Thanet. The reason that we have been busy in the area for more than a year is because statistics show us that people who live in Thanet may not be receiving all the diabetes care and checks they are entitled to – and we are trying very hard to help.”

Diabetes is a condition where there is too much glucose in the blood because the body cannot use it properly. If not managed well, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can lead to devastating complications. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of preventable sight loss in people of working age in the UK and is a major cause of lower limb amputation, kidney failure and stroke.

For more information about diabetes and the charity’s work, visit