Councillors to discuss first phase of 450 properties build on Shottendane farmland

Development at the farmland off Shottendane Road Photo Sarah Bowers

Councillors will discuss an application for layout, scale, landscaping and appearance for the first phase of a controversial 450 home build in Margate this week.

Places for People Developments is requesting approval of reserved matters for the erection of 138 dwellings.

The build already has outline planning permission as part of 450 properties to be developed on farmland off Shottendane Road.

The development proposal originally by Gladman Developments Ltd was rejected by Thanet council three times – in April, June and then July of 2021. But it was then granted following an inquiry in 2022.

The development includes the homes, a new distributor link road connecting Hartsdown Road, Shottendane Road and Manston Road, two new roundabouts, public children’s play areas and recreational routes.

The masterplan for the site has been created by Places for People Developments, a property management, development, regeneration and leisure company.

The site masterplan outlines paths and cycle routes, trees and wildflower meadow planting, play areas, open space, a trim trail, sustainable drainage and ‘ecological enhancements’ that include a bird mitigation area, hedgehog highways, log piles and bird and bat boxes.

It also includes a block plan showing the layout of the properties.

The Phase one site is currently agricultural/grazing land and measures 6.53 hectares. It abuts Hartsdown Road at its northern end, wrapping around Shottendane Farmhouse and including the central roundabout and the realignment of Shottendane Road. An agricultural field abuts the western boundary, separating the site from Hartsdown Academy. The build will consist of 12 one-bed flats, 23 two-bed flats, 13 two- bed houses, 51 three-bed houses and 39 four-bed houses.

The application includes plans for open space, a new linear park and trim trail and a proposed SUDs basin sown with wildflower/grass mix.

The proposed new spine road between Hartsdown Road and Shottendane Road will be constructed in phases.

The proposed flat blocks have been amended during the application process, following detailed concerns from officers, altering their design and arrangement. Amendments to the design of the link road to accommodate a dedicated cycle lane have also been made.

The application proposes 29 units as affordable rent (10 one bed flats, 14 two bed flats, 3 three bed houses and 2 four bed houses) with 39 dwellings as shared ownership (7 one bed flats, 7 two bed flats, 10 3 bed houses and 18 four bed dwellings). This would result in a total of 68 affordable dwellings (49% affordable housing on phase 1).

Preparations appear to be underway at the site Photo Jonathan Tapp

The outline permission granted at appeal only provided 15% on site affordable housing due to issues with the viability of the site. Places for People, have outlined that an award of a grant by Homes England can be used to provide affordable housing above that offered initially.

A report to councillors says: “The level of affordable housing agreed as part of the outline permission has been provided on site, with additional affordable housing indicated, and this would be provided in a suitable mix along with a suitable mix of market housing.

Harvest on the Shottendane farmland Photo Ros Tapp

“Amended plans have been submitted during the application process to address a number of concerns that have been raised by residents, councillors and officers. These plans have altered the arrangement and design of the proposed dwellings to ensure that there is sufficient mix and variety of designs and materials to avoid a significant impact upon the character and appearance of the area and to ensure that both existing neighbouring property occupiers and the proposed residents of the site would have acceptable living conditions.

“The onsite highways arrangements under consideration as part of this application have undergone a number of revisions during the process of this application. The final layout is considered to provide a suitable layout that allows the central link road, part of the Thanet Inner Circuit, to be formed as well as providing access to the new dwellings provided on the site.”

Photo Frank Leppard

The application has been called into Planning Committee by Cllr Mike Garner to consider whether it would have a negative impact on the biodiversity of the area; whether it would result in cramped living conditions and if it would have an adverse effect on the drainage of the area.

Places for People Developments plan to build out the entire site in four phases.

Councillors will discuss the application at a meeting on Wednesday (April 17).

Masterplan for 450-home development at Shottendane Road approved