St Gregory’s primary children caring for chicks

St Gregory's children have been studying the process from egg to chick

The miracle of life has been witnessed first-hand by children at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary in Margate who watched fascinated as a batch of eggs hatched and chicks emerged.

They were kept in a special incubator in class while pupils took turns to record any development and researched the passage of life from egg to chick.

Throughout a two week experience, the children actively participated in caring for the nine newly hatched chicks, learning valuable lessons of responsibility and compassion.

Under the guidance of their teachers, they took turns feeding, watering and gently handling the chicks, ensuring their well-being and fostering a sense of empathy towards the fragile creatures.

These hands-on experiences not only deepened their scientific understanding of animal life cycles but also instilled important values of care and respect for all living beings.

Leah Campbell is Science Lead at St Gregory’s. She said: “It’s been such a wonderful learning experience for all our children. They’ve been able to observe the entire hatching process, from egg to chick, and it’s been incredibly rewarding to see their enthusiasm. We have had children rushing into school every day eager to see the chicks.”

The presence of the chicks has not only provided educational value but also brought joy and happiness to the school community.

Sophia from Year 4 spoke for many of the pupils. She said: “I loved having the chicks, they were so cute. I was amazed how their feathers grow and how quick they grew up.

“I found the girls wrigglier than the boys when I held them, but they was all so fluffy, soft and adorable. I wish we could have kept them forever.”

The chicks have now found their forever home with teaching assistant Miss Clifton, who said: “The chicks have adapted so well to their new home and are growing so fast. I’m looking forward to seeing them grow and will be sharing updates of the chicks’ progress with our children.”

Head Teacher Dave Walker added: “It was fascinating to see our children transfixed as the chicks emerged and began life before their eyes.

“It is a perfect hands-on experience and is a brilliant way to learn. It is something they will never forget.”