Joke battle raises charity funds at St Nicholas at Wade Primary

Jokes and laughter at St Nicholas Primary

There are a lot of jokers in the pack at St Nicholas at Wade CE Primary.

To celebrate Red Nose Day the school’s Junior Leadership Team hit on the idea of holding an in-school Great Joke Off to raise funds for Comic Relief.

The idea was to expose the school’s funny bone with each class involved in the fun-packed initiative.

Pupils shared their best funny stories and one-liners during the day. The class winners told their joke to the whole school during celebration worship. Each teacher had a white board and judged the classes’ laughter.

Head Teacher Taralee Kennedy said: “There was a very high standard of jokes across the school and the staff were very impressed.

“It was a different and fun way to raise awareness of this important charity and to help generate funds as well.

“It is important  to us to get involved so our children have an insight into life beyond their home and school by discussing the many and varied ways that Comic Relief helps people with a whole range of needs.

Adorned with red noses and armed with their corny jokes, pupils voted it one of their best Red Nose Day events ever.

Mrs Kennedy added: “It was a fantastic day that really engaged the whole school. Behind the laughter, the clear and simple message our pupils took away with them is that can make a positive difference and choose kindness.”

Donations raised £70 for the charity. The winning jokes were :

“What did the biscuit say when it got run over? Oh crumbs! “


“A piece of rope was looking for a drink but was told ‘no ropes served here’ She left and tied herself into a knot and frayed her ends. Back she went. Aren’t you the piece of rope from earlier the server questioned, no said the rope, I’m ‘a frayed knot’ “