Roar-some learning day for RAPS young creatives  

Youngsters performing a lion play

A whole-school exploration of finding their inner lion was a roaring success with children at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

Each year group studied Ed Vere’s acclaimed picture book How To Be A Lion about a pair of unlikely friends – Leonard the lion and Marianne the duck – who face down a pack of bullies.

The story highlights the importance of being true to yourself, mindfulness, and standing by your friends, in an empowering tale about connecting with others and choosing kindness over bullying. It shows children how angry and provocative words can be overcome by empathy and inner courage.

Early years Foundation Studies children drew pictures and imagined how Leonard feels; Year 1 explored themes of friendship retelling the story using narration and freeze frames; Year 2 created story maps, repeating poems and learned how to draw Leonard; Year 3  discussed the development of story character through imagery and wrote and performed a song; Year 4 rehearsed and performed a playscript; Year 5 explored the journey of the story and presented their own work in a style of their choice; and Year 6 used the themes of difference to create a poem linked to transition into secondary school.

Specialist teachers in the school also held a series of workshops exploring the work, style and themes of other poets, writers and illustrators including John Hegley, Clare Bevan, Emily Hughes, Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

The school’s Reading Lead Claire O’Flaherty said: “It was a focused day where all our children worked around the same themes in differing ways.

“Ed Vere’s work opens up a whole series of topics and issues that are ideal for discussion and creative output with a diversity of writing, drawing and performance being the result.

“Our children were engrossed in a thought-provoking day of creative, fun learning that also embraced the ethos of the nationwide World Book Day.”