St Nicholas children lead the way with anti-bullying policy

St Nicholas Junior Leadership Team with their child-friendly anti-bullying policy

Children at St Nicholas at Wade CE Primary have helped prepare and deliver the latest anti-bullying policy at the school.

The idea is to have a child-friendly version of the existing document so that it can be easily understood by pupils of all ages.

The project involved teacher Alex Ford and the Junior Leadership Team discussing ideas and working up content that resonates with pupils as part of the school’s overall strategy.

Teacher Alex Ford and the Junior Leadership Team discuss their anti-bullying document

Head Teacher Taralee Kennedy said: “The JLT have an important part to play in the strategic direction of our school life. Writing policy is just one of the ways they can make an impact.

“Following discussions, our young leaders were all able to talk about how important it is to be kind and supportive to their friends and beyond.

“Their thoughts and ideas were excellent – children are more in tune with how to make a difference than we think. What is so amazing about our team of future leaders is they want to have a positive impact in school and in the community.”

Kindness – one of the school’s Christian values – was the central focus last term, supported by the PSHCE (personal social health and economic education) topic ‘too much selfie isn’t healthy’.

To reinforce this theme the school took part in the #Unselfie Challenge, an ongoing initiative where children, teachers and parents could report acts of kindness they had either seen or received.

Mrs Kennedy added: “The response was staggering with our families getting involved as well as children writing about the kindness of their parents and siblings, and it was lovely to read them out at our daily worship.

“Focusing children’s attention on initiatives like this is so important in supporting their own wellbeing. We are a school community that believes in gratitude. It allows us pay attention to all the good things which we are thankful for in our lives.”