Mergate parade set to make a splash with its return this June

Mergate returns this June Photo Frank Leppard

After the success of the inaugural parade and events last year, Mergate will be back this June. Ahead of the big event, will be Mer-May, a month of nautical activities and sustainable workshops inspiring people to design their own costumes for the parade.

On June 1 Mergate kicks off with a nautical circus themed takeover of the Old Town market and a treasure map of local businesses offering deals for festival participants. This is followed by a parade – twinning with Coney Island, Brooklyn’s Mermaid Parade – alongside Thanet’s Viking Trail from Palm Bay to the ‘Pirate’ playground with merfolk glitz, pirate glam, and sea creatures cascading along the scenic coastline.

Photo Frank Leppard

The main event and performances will take place at Margate Leisure Centre, Sweet Carolines, Bugsy’s, & Faith & Strangers. The day culminates at the Mergate Ball ‘20,000 Beats Under the Sea’ party with dancing into the small hours.

Everyone is encouraged to embrace their inner child and sea fantasies whilst raising money for the local RNLI, and ‘Rise Up Clean Up’, a community social initiative with a mission to clean up Margate’s beaches.

Photo Frank Leppard

Last year some 600 people turned out to join the parade organised by native New Yorker and now Margate resident Daphna Rowe.

Daphna and husband Jason, moved to the isle from London in February 2020, just before the pandemic hit.

Fragrance business owner Daphna said she had been to the Coney Island Mermaid Parade and loved it. Once she found out Dreamland  in Margate was inspired by the Dreamland of Coney Island,  she set about organising the twin mermaid parade.

Find out more:

Instagram: @margate_mermaid_parade