Plans for five homes approved on land formerly owned by Wellesley House school in Broadstairs

The site Image Turner Jackson Day Associates

A proposal to build five homes on land on land which formerly belonged to Wellesley Hadden Dene School in Broadstairs has been approved.

Permission for three homes on the Ramsgate Road site had previously been granted but the new application has been made following a change in ownership of the site to the Foreland Partnership and a change to boundaries which enlarges the plot.

The site is adjacent to Wellesley House Prep School which was bought out by Haddon Dene Preparatory School in 2021.

The plans for the 0.25 hectare plot are to construct 2 three-bed and 3 four-bed homes with access, parking and landscaping.

Image Turner Jackson Day Associates

Planning documents submitted by Turner Jackson Day Associates say: “The proposal presents the opportunity to improve the street scene on Ramsgate Road.

“The proposal will need to achieve a balance between activating an important street, which is currently blank, and retaining the leafy character of the road.

“With a change in client and the enlargement of the site boundary the layout of the site has been re -examined and optimised.

“The nearest dwelling to Ramsgate Road is positioned with a 9.5m set back from the road, preserving the established urban grain pattern of the area. The sighting of the five dwellings has also been optimised to avoid the root protection areas of the numerous existing trees, effectively establishing a no build zone within 8 meters of the sites western and southern boundaries.

“ In setting the built form back from the boundary the existing vegetation on site will be preserved and the sense of open space, which is an integral part of the streets character, will be maintained. The only exception to this is Plot 1, where minor encroachment is proposed, however this was not considered detrimental to the long -term health of the tree.”

Image Turner Jackson Day Associates

Access to the homes will be from Ramsgate Road, with pedestrian and vehicle visibility splays provided.

There will be two off road parking spaces per house and cycle storage will also be provided.

Two letters of objection were received from the same person relating to over development, loss of tree and increased traffic.

Broadstairs Town Council recommended refusal on the same grounds as did the Broadstairs Society, which also noted the increase in housing numbers.

Thanet council planning officers deemed the application acceptable and it was granted permission yesterday (January 8).