Ramsgate Police Station to offer December safe space with extended hours Fridays and Saturdays

Ramsgate Police Station

Ramsgate Police Station will open as a safe space every Friday and Saturday in December.

The extended opening hours at the York Street police office will be from 8pm to 3am.

Kent Police say: “The idea of this safe space is for there to be a place that a person can go if they ever feel vulnerable or in fear during the hours of darkness.

“The safe space will be occupied by two police officers who will be on hand to help if needed but can also provide advice on staying safe in our towns of an evening.”

The initiative has been launched as part of Kent Police’s Tackling Violence against Women and Girls VAWG) scheme.

Kent Police say: “We are committed to eradicating all forms of violence against women and girls and have a strong approach to actively pursue violent perpetrators.

“We want women and girls who live, work and socialise in our communities to feel safe.”

The police station safe space project follows an event last month where police and partner agencies spoke to women and girls in Ramsgate about what they think can be done to help them feel safer in public.

The event was held in the town centre, with Kent Police joined by local councillors, Kent Police Cadets and Thanet District Council staff in order to speak to residents and those who visit the town.

A hub was also set up in Harbour Parade to offer alarms, crime prevention advice and information about initiatives aimed at keeping people safe.

The views gathered throughout the evening will help to shape the future work carried out by the partner agencies to reduce the risk of violence against women and girls.

Sergeant Jason Hills, of Thanet Community Safety Unit, said: ‘Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop and tell us their views on what could be done to help reduce their fear of becoming a victim of crime when out and about. Some suggestions included areas where lighting could be improved.

‘We will now collate the information given and use it to build on the positive work already done across the county to help women and girls feel safe in public.”

The station’s usual opening hours are listed as Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm.