Masterplan created for proposals to upgrade Jackey Bakers rec in Ramsgate

Jackey Bakers Image Corstorphine & Wright Ltd.

Thanet council members will discuss proposals for the upgrade of Jackey Bakers rec in Ramsgate that would include a sports hub, new pitches for sports including basketball and skate/BMX facilities, nature trails and 27 homes on a strip of land off Highfield Road.

The proposals, created by Corstorphine & Wright Ltd, show two football pitches, an ‘urban’ skatepark area, cricket, tennis, hockey and netball areas, sports hub building and a proposed café as well as the homes.

However, the masterplan is only to  illustrate the potential for the site, including possible locations for new parking facilities, new pavilion and the upgrading of the sports offer, with no decision yet made on layout.

A document to councillors says: “The drawings in the master plan are examples only and the exact number of pitches that can be provided for different sports is flexible and can be adjusted to accommodate current users and emerging demand for new sports.”

In March, Cabinet members agreed to the transfer of the strip of land, off of Highfield Road, to the East of the Jackey Bakers site, for the delivery of affordable housing. The report stated the land had an assessed capital value of between £900k and £1.12m, and the project could create additional general fund borrowing capacity of between £489k and £611k for future improvements at Jackey Bakers.

Housing CGI Image Corstorphine & Wright Ltd.

The council has also secured a contribution of £28,247 from the Spitfire Green development and has another £25,373 that must be paid for new or replacement play equipment at Jackey Bakers Rec by Kentish Projects which is developing 23 houses,15 flats and parking on land off Stirling Way.

However, further funding will be needed to carry out all the proposed improvements.

A report to councillors says: “It is clear that the funding set out is only a start, and not sufficient to deliver the proposals set out in the master planning document.

“However, the adoption of a master plan for Jackey Bakers does provide an opportunity to bid for further external funding if and when opportunities arise, and to work collaboratively with local and national partners to deliver an ambitious vision for the site.”

The first step, which councillors are expected to approve in December, is to demolish the existing pavilion on the basis of health and safety and approve the purchase of a temporary portacabin style changing facility.

Image Corstorphine & Wright Ltd.

A public engagement exercise will also be carried out to gain views for the new proposals at  Jackey Bakers, and the council will investigate the options for a future development on the site, to include a new car park, new pavilion (to include changing facilities) and other sporting/recreational facilities A spend of £370,000 is expected to be approved, for the demolition of the existing pavilion and the provision of a temporary portacabin.

The works follow the presentation of a 1,500 signature strong petition to councillors in June.

In it, campaigners asked for Jackey Bakers to overhauled with improvements including extra bins, benches along the main path and outer edges of the football pitches, a changing facility complete with running hot water for showers and toilets, improved pitches for footballers and other sports, a larger play area, skate park and a car park.

Chris and June set up the petition calling for an overhaul of the neglected facilities

June Tyrrell, who launched the petition with fellow resident Chris Collins, also told councillors a sports pavilion with a café on site would be widely welcomed.

Since launching the petition works at the site have included:

A sign has placed on the gates at the entry to the site so that no parking occurs in front of the gates,

A review of the bins on the site has been completed.

New goal posts have been received for pitch 3 and shall be installed in the spring when the ground is suitable to install.

The Open Spaces team have undertaken works to improve the goal mouths in pitches 6 & 7.

A further container has been provided as a changing facility, in addition to a container for storage and portable loos provided on the site in September.

A prior notification form for the demolition of the pavilion at Jackey Bakers Recreation Ground has been submitted to planning and will be considered by the Planning Committee on Wednesday 13th December.

Image Corstorphine & Wright Ltd.

The plan will be discussed by councillors on the overview and scrutiny committee on December 6 before being passed to Cabinet members to approve on Thursday 14 December.