Special Mayan day for St Nicholas pupils

Pupils meet a Conquistador

The fascinating and mysterious Mayan empire is being explored by children at St Nicholas CE Primary.

Centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala, the civilisation reached the peak of its power and influence around the sixth century AD, and became a mystery when its great stone cities and culture were abandoned by AD900.

To find out more, Year 6 pupils visited the Kent Life centre in Maidstone where they explored the culture, from its religious beliefs, to its technology, farming and weaving methods.

The hands-on workshops were very popular and the group met a Conquistador, who took time to teach the children how to fight with a rapier.

Between workshops, the pupils also had the chance to explore other parts of the centre where they visited a house dating back to World War One, and saw what shops looked like before the advent of large supermarkets.

The fascinating day was topped when the children met Cookie, Biscuit and Wispa, the adult Alpacas at the centre.

The visit was all part of the Year 6 topic this term which is Hola Mexico in which they will delve into the country from its towering temples and stunning geography to its pulsing rhythms and fun festivals.

Discovering the mysterious world of the ancient Mayan civilisation this term, they will make their chocolate, learn their poetry, play their ball games and learn about all of their curious rituals.

Head Teacher Taralee Kennedy said: “This was a special trip organised by Year 6 Helen Bullard. It was a brilliant taster about the Mayan civilisation which forms a large part of the Hola Mexico learning.

“The children were really engaged with what they discovered at the centre and were also delighted that they had time to enjoy some of the other educational activities and resources that were available.

“Educational experiences outside the classroom are very important as they underpin what the children are discussing in school and help enrich their learning.”