Criminal Behaviour Order made on woman jailed for police officer assault and being drunk and disorderly

Stephanie Parker has been jailed and made subject of a Criminal Behaviour Order

A woman has been jailed for breaching a community protection order, being drunk and disorderly and assaulting a police officer in Margate and has been made the subject of a Criminal Behaviour Order.

Following a series of incidents which police were called to, Stephanie Parker was initially issued with a Community Protection Notice (CPN) in March 2023, which aimed to prevent her from being abusive to members of the public or local business staff.

Despite the notice requiring her to not be drunk or seen consuming alcohol in public places, officers on patrol in Margate repeatedly found her with open alcohol containers, and making abusive comments, in October this year.

On Wednesday 11 October, she was spoken to by an officer in Cecil Square, after she was seen drinking alcohol. She became abusive and, as she was being arrested for being drunk and disorderly, assaulted the officer.

Parker was charged with and later admitted four counts of breaching a CPN, as well as assaulting an emergency worker and being drunk and disorderly. The 34-year-old was jailed for 40 days at Margate Magistrates’ Court on Monday 13 November.

Following an application by officers from Thanet’s Community Safety Unit and Anti-Social Behaviour Team, she was also made the subject of a two-year Criminal Behaviour Order which prevents her from:

  • Using abusive language in public.
  • Leaving rubbish or other items in public.
  • Entering Margate town centre.
  • Having an open alcohol container in public.
  • Consuming alcohol in public, unless in a licensed premises.

Breaching the terms of the order could see her further jailed or fined.

Thanet Sergeant Daniel Bartlett said: “Kent Police is determined to keep our town and city centres safe, free of those who might abuse or threaten residents and visitors.

“Stephanie Parker has repeatedly caused problems for businesses in Margate and that is why we have taken the steps we have and obtained this court order.

!I hope she now takes responsibility for her behaviour and abides by the conditions, without impacting other people in Thanet.”