Thanet paranormal group on the hunt for more locations to investigate

Sean Brady, of Thanet Paranormal Association, says the group is looking for more locations to investigate

A paranormal group in Thanet is urging anyone who wants an investigation carried out at their property to get in touch.

Sean Brady, who runs Thanet Paranormal Association, says investigations have been carried out in areas from Margate to Gravesend but, with Halloween coming up, he says now is the ideal time to explore even more.

The 31-year-old, from Margate, began the group with mum Tina in 2021 and had grown it to around 300 members.

Sadly, Tina passed away last year and now Sean is redoubling his efforts to get the group active.

The dad-of-four said: “I started the group up a couple of years ago with my mum and we got stuck at around 300 odd members but after my mum passed away last year it gave me the drive to kickstart it again.

“In the last month the group has more than doubled and we are in talks about a lot of investigations around Kent.

“I come from a Pagan background and my mum was a practising witch and I have experienced a lot of stuff over the years to do with the paranormal, spirits are quite attracted to me.

“We are due to investigate more places in Margate and another offered in Ashford. One of the more recent ones was the old bank in Margate Old Town which was quite active. After reviewing the footage we recorded there, we caught a lot of EVP (electronic voice phenomena) capturing spirits’ voices and my friend John had his jumper pulled on while he was in the basement.

“We do our investigations free of charge and we do cleansings.

“We’d like to get in more places that haven’t been done before and we’d like even more members.”

Sean streams investigation footage on facebook live and is looking to set up some other channels for the footage.

To find out more go the Thanet Paranormal Association on facebook