Tasty start to Ancient Greece topic for Newington pupils

Making Greek salads

Children at Newington Community Primary School have enjoyed a tasty and nutritious start to the new school year.

To help launch their new topic on Ancient Greece this term Year 5 pupils took up the challenge of creating their own Greek salads.

Each child independently used kitchen equipment to cut up the ingredients before assembling their salads. They also discussed the ‘food miles’ of each ingredient – how far it had travelled and from which country to reach their kitchen.

Seasonal and imported produce was also investigated as part of their learning.

Local grower Thanet Earth salads ensured Newington’s young ‘chefs’ were supplied with a large amount of fresh produce that they were allowed to take home and share with their families following their tasks.

Head Teacher Hannah Tudor said: “It has been hugely beneficial for us to build links with the local community and we were delighted with the generosity of Thanet Earth who provided enough fresh ingredients for the whole year group and the staff.

“It is vital for our children to understand where their food comes from and to be equipped with the key life skills of being able to prepare their own healthy food.

“Keeping children healthy – both mind and body – is a top priority at Newington and we use as many opportunities as possible to teach them about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

“Our kitchen team prepares well-balanced wholesome food every day. Encouraging good nutrition is all part of our ongoing focus on wellbeing, and hands-on learning helps reinforce that initiative.”